Getting back into movie surround sound... best bang for buck?

I'm also strongly considering the Dali Zensor 3 as Fronts and the Dali Zensor Pico's for rears as they are so compact and discreet and yet apparently stand up well to the Zensor 1's.
You would be mad to buy anything other than BK brand new.

I think "mad" is a bit of an overstatement, considering that if it potentially goes bust it will cost me 50 quid to send it back to them for repair... and while the chance is slim it's still a possibility.

Either way it's looking like a good option for long-term satisfaction, and I do love the fact it is British and hand-made.

I will miss the remote from my Quad L-ite sub though.
Well I really wanted something to listen to now so I just ordered the Dali Zensor 3 (Black ash colour) and a Denon AVR-X1200W, I don't see any use in the AVR-X2200W as all I have read says the power difference is in reality negligible and I won't be having it full whack. Anyway, I have my heart set on a Marantz or similar higher-end amp so will run this for a few months until I see a good deal and then sell it. I'll order the rest of the kit (center, sub and surrounds) when I get back from the UK in a few weeks. I'm confident I will like them and will report back here as soon as I get them set up.

Any suggestions on decent looking but good value stands (in black or wood) for the Dali Zensor 3's? :)
it's not just a difference in power :o

the avr-x2200w has

Pure Direct

High Grade Audio Components

HDMI to HDMI Scaling

4K Scaling / GUI Overlay

Picture Adjust / Noise Reduction

in addition to the model you bought.

what reviews are you reading? because i would only class a couple of places reviews hold any actual merit. a lot of sites out there which are popular are crap.

for instance that marques brownlee HD guy on youtube may have 50 billion subs and views. he generally speaking doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. he recommended the m50x as the best headphones you can buy ever when they are average at best.

Threads on AVforums and AVS forums discuss it, you can find them yourself. It's a short term amp and I'm not going to spend double on something for a small jump up in discernible quality that I will replace within a year when I release the funds for something that will significantly better both of them.
There is nothing to suggest the denon 1200 can't push a 5.1 set at the volumes I will be listening at, nothing at all. However I'll let you know in a few days when the rest of my stuff arrives (barring sub) then maybe we can lay that particular horse to rest.

I've had the Dalis set up since Friday evening and even before the run in they sound very nice paired with the receiver, the overall tone is slightly warm and the bass is impressively deep yet subtle, I watched a couple of movies and certainly felt it and it was never intrusive. It's also a pleasant surprise how well they perform at lower volumes, dialogue was clear and overall very neighbour friendly if need be. My movie soundtrack music was also impressive and very clear yet rich sounding which is great for orchestral pieces.

Considering the Denon is a budget AVR I am very satisfied thus far and have had zero trouble getting it set up.
Bk subs are phenomenal for the money, absolutely love my xxls-400-df.

Good to hear. Can it also be subtle and non-overpowering while still giving a good effect in movies and music? I like my bass reasonably delicate. :)
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Well, about subs...

I now have the following options, sadly most of which are available to buy in my country so have to be imported:

  • Klipsch R12SW - £325 available locally. Not as good as below but just adding a local option.
  • Bk XXLS400-DF - £450-500 depending on final import tax.
  • SVS SB-1000 - £400-450 depending on final import tax.
  • SVS SB-2000 - £600 or so depending on final import tax.

Thoughts please? :)
BK. I spent 650 on an REL sub. Wish id got the BK. Unless spending thousands go with BK.

The SVS also have great reviews... though the BK seems to be somewhere between the SVS SB-1000 and SB-2000 and looks like the best value overall.

Buying individually then yeah BK and SVS subs always stood out for me. But owning Dali Zensor 5s and a Dali sub I'd say the sub performs more than adequately.

Its certainly no slouch.

Have always wanted an SVS cylinder sub though.

I checked out the Dali subs but online feedback wasn't grabbing me, which is a shame as it would have been 1000x easier if it had. Which do you have, the 9 or 12F?
I have the 12F

I honestly haven't heard anything else that has made me think my Dali was crap or inadequate.

I didn't say crap or inadequate, but it gets negative criticism for not as powerful, refined or detailed vs other comparable subs like the BK XXLS400 and SVS SB-1000. However we are talking about the difference between good and excellent I think, and I have seen nothing saying the E-12F is a bad sub.
Anyone on this forum tried the Arendal 1723 Subwoofer series?

I'm now basically stuck between the SVS SB-2000 and the Arendal 1723 Subwoofer 1.

The SVS seems to be more compact and a known performer, whereas the Arendal is brand new and has good feedback on AVforums, but no professional reviews as yet.

The Arendal looks beautiful and obviously has higher specs, but the size and shape are definitelöy less compact
That does look very nice. Cant you demo one somewhere?

Id be tempted just to go against the norm :)

Well, I've decided on the SVS ...the Arendal is too big and I think way overkill for my uses. Combined with lack of reputation it's a risk I just don't want to take. I know the SVS is a great performer and am confident to buy it without a trial first. :)
Well, have now got everything except the subwoofer (now going to be an SBS SB-12)... ignore the cables they still need to be properly tidied and routed. And yes, I need to put pictures on the walls. :)



It's amazing how much the Zensor 3's speakers improved when I put them on proper stands (they were previously temporarily resting on dining chairs, heh). I still need to get some rubber feet for the center speaker which should also improve things a bit. The rears are on DJ monitor stands and to be honest I didn't think they would be as big from the photos I saw, they do the job perfectly well and are very stable but are a little overkill in terms of footprint and I may swap them out for something more discreet.

Sounds awesome. I really am very impressed with the Denon X1200W, for £250 you really can't ask for more from a new amp and it has more than enough power to blast out movies in my size room and also importantly sounds decent in stereo for my movie music. I will upgrade this at some point for sure as I used to have a much higher-end amp, but I'm certainly in no rush to do so.

I can't wait to get a sub set up, it really will tie everything together. :)

BK is easier to buy for us, if he's outside the EU it negates a lot of its bang for buck status when you need to pay big shipping fees.

I can't see Psycho's posts but I presume from yours that he was again harping on like a broken record about BK and essentially how much of an idiot I am for following any advice except his. Such a 'pleasant' guy. :)

I chose SVS as in the end I can get an SB-12 for the same price (actually a little lower at £430 when shipping and import duties are taken into account as I am indeed outside of the EU) as a BK XXLS400, and the SVS is more compact and ultimately as good as if not better than the BK. Clearly if there was a price difference it wouldn't be quite as appealing, but the release of the SB-2000 pushed the price of the SB-12 down very far so I am more than happy with that decision. :D
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Looks great mate. I was very keen on the Dali speakers when picking mine, very pretty but couldn't get a demo so ended up going KEF.

You don't need any need to put the TV on the wall and then get a PJ and electric screen to match to your sound now! :D

Hope you enjoy it.

Cheers mate. I did buy mine without demo due to there not being anywhere to demo around me so it was a gamble, however there were so many positive reviews from pros and users alike that I felt confident in doing so. Plus they do look awesome with the red cones! :D

I've never really been a projector fan so I think my next purchase will be a 65" OLED when the prices come down. :)
Well, today I received my SVS SB-2000 and wow, it is lovely. Feels very solid and while I wasn't sure about the design in the photos, I really like it in the flesh.

Including shipping and taxes it cost me a grand total of 367 quid. That is considerably cheaper than what the BK would have cost me, 30 quid before taxes were taken into account and probably around 70-80 cheaper when they were. Bargain.

Looking forward to getting it set up. :)

PS: I may also have bought a 65" SUHD TV (JS8500) today too, oops... :o
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Photo of my now-complete home cinema:

Still need to tidy things up, but wow... very pleased with it. Full list of components now is:

Front speakers: Dali Zensor 3
Surround speakers: Dali Zensor Pico
Subwoofer: SVS SB-12 NDS
AVR: Denon AVR-X1200W
TV: Samsung UE65JS8550

The Samsung is frigging amazing and the picture is light years ahead of my old 50", so so cinematic. I watched parts of some of my favourite movies Such as Star Wars, Matrix, Cloud Atlas etc and combined with the sound system it's just on another level. I finally have a home cinema that doesn't make me want for anything (well, for a while at least, heh).

Love it. :)
Wee update; the SVS sub has integrated very nicely into the system and provides very smooth and subtle bass, I'm very happy with it. Overall it's really a great system and the quality of the Dali speakers is especially pleasing, they sound fantastic and I am very happy I went with the Picos as rears because they perform far in excess of what is required for such a role. :cool:

Also impressive is how the Denon AVR-1200W performs, it continues to make me scratch my head in wonder at how a £250 receiver can be so capable and has so much grunt. :eek:

I really wonder how much sound quality I would hear in real-world terms if I upgraded to for example a Marantz SR7010 or Denon X6200W... :confused:
Hey guys, apologies I didn't notice the posts in this thread until just now!

Just to say that I am deliriously happy with this system, the sound is superb. For music it is rich and warm and detailed, and for movies it is the same but with real punch, and the SVS subwoofer is so blended into the system you hardly notice it until it kicks in, and even then it just blends seamlessly into the soundstage. The Denon AVR has also performed way beyond all my expectations, and I am so glad I didn't listen to the blowhards saying "but it doesn't have enough power" or "it has inferior sound quality to the model above" blah blah blah... it performs like a champ.

My only minor gripe is that the Denon is very slow when playing and browsing through my networked media on my laptop, but it's not the end of the world.

All-in-all I made the right choices, and I am very happy with everything. :)

Hello bro Richdog,

I would like to buy a 5.1 surround system for my living room also (5m x 4m), with budget around £1k also. therefore your research perfectly match my need. this is my 1 year saving, and definitely i want the best value for my money spent. could you please share how much you spent on your system and where do you get them?

many thanks.

I got all of mine from outside the EU, so the prices may not be comparable to the UK. Your best bet is to just use price search engines in your local area, wherever that may be. :)

i wish to buy the same set of surround system as Richdog did, but the price in UK is much higher and >£1000 budget...
i look into alternative solution, as below. could fellow expert here give advice?

£1100 for below
Yamaha RX-V681 Black 7.2 Channel AV Receiver w/ MusicCast
DALI Zensor 3 Black Ash 5.1 Speaker Package w/ E-9 F Subwoofer

All I will say is that the E-9 subwoofer is not known for being a great performer, I think you may be disappointed with it, and it is worth reading this thread and spending a little extra on one from BK Electronics like the XLS200 or even better XLS400 if you can stretch

I am very glad I got the SVS as it is just awesome and I got a fantastic deal on it that made it a no-brainer, but if I had lived in the UK I would have likely gone for a BK.

Hey richdog, nice setup.

Where did you get that tv unit? Think it would go well in my new place.

I got it from Jysk where I live. There is also a store in the UK and I think it is this one

I keep meaning to replace the handles with some better ones that more suit the unit, thanks for reminding me. :)
Small update for 2021. :D

I just bought (but not yet received) a pair of the very well regarded Klipsch R-625FA for a crazy sale price of 640 EUR (£550) which are floorstanding speakers with integrated up-firing Atmos speakers. Basically the previous model of this RP-8060FA Dolby Atmos Floorstanding Speaker | Klipsch

I have moved my Dali Zensor 3 to the rear and will use my Picos for my PC. Looking forward to having Atmos without any extra wiring to the ceiling.

I am also hoping that Denon get around to releasing their mainstream 2021 range soon and then I will buy a Denon X3800H or similar with improved HDMI 2.1 and all of the modern GUI and gubbins. My X1200 has been a trooper but it is getting a bit long in the tooth now and my home is now kitted out with HDMI 2.1 electronics. :)

EDIT - Ok I now have everything set up and it sounds awesome... the Atmos seems to do the job from the Youtube test videos I watched. I need to watch a good movie though to test it. :D
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Oh man the Klipschs are friggen awesome... their size makes the soundstage so much more expansive than the Dali Zensor 1 bookshelfs and they are so musical when played in Pure Direct even on my 'lowly' (but actually really good) Denon X1200!

One real "DOHWTFISWRONGWITHYOURiCHDOG" moment was when I realised my sub had been unplugged for the last few months... no idea how but it was. I had noticed the speakers sounded off with movies, but I hadn't thought to check. Anyway, I have now plugged it in again and also went through the amp and speaker settings with a fine tooth comb and have basically tweaked it to perfection now (all speakers set to Small, crossover 80hz etc) and it sounds brilliant for my room size, it just fills it with warm and rich sound.

The Dali Zensor 3 bookshelfs, formerly serving as fronts, are now doing duty as rear surround speakers and are objectively superior to the (much smaller, of course) Dali Picos, which will now migrate to my PC. The Klipsch were a bit of an impulse purchase but they really have made a notable improvement in my sound system. :)
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