Getting cut, literally!

Playing 6-a-side again tonight, nothing seems to trash me cardio wise like fast paced football - I play with an intensity I just can't seem to bring to a gym session, the only thing comparable would be when I was competing in cycling races.

I saw stars yesterday for the first time during a chest workout while on the plate loaded chest press! I've had it multiple times from leg and back day when squatting or deadlifting along with the light headiness but to finally get it from an upper body movement was exciting.

04/10/2016 - Chest, Shoulders and Tris

Incline bench

20kg x 20, 40kg x 10, 50kg x 10, 55kg x 10, 60kg x 10, 65kg x 5

Skull crushers

20kg x 10, 30kg x 10, 35kg x 5, 40kg x 3 good ones, the last two the bar came too far forwards and recruited more than just tris


40kg x 10, 50kg x 10, 55kg x 5, 60kg x 5

Wide grip plate loaded press (weight per side)

20kg x 10, 35kg x 10, 45kg x 5, 50kg x 5, 55kg x 5 (stars!)

Tricep push downs

40kg x 10, 50kg x 10, 60kg x 10, 60kg + rubber weight block x 10 (slightly cheated, elbows drifting forward)

Cable chest flys

20kg x 8, 25kg x 8, 30kg x 8, 35kg x 8 (cheated slightly, more bend at the elbow than there should have been)

Dip machine - really focused on depth here and lightened up the weight, did 10 reps of both internal and external handle rotation.

60kg x 10, 70kg x 10, 80kg x 10

Front and lateral raises

8kg x 10, 8kg x 10


30kg x 10, 35kg x 10, 40kg x 10, 45kg x 10
Where have you got your programme from? I do like pyramid sets, but you seem to do them for every exercise, every session. Pyramids do you get you used to lifting heavier weight; but they also make it harder to progress strength. After all, adding 2.5kg to your first set is going to leave you more tired than before, so adding 2.5kg for the second set is going to be even more of a struggle.
05/10/2016 - Legs


Bar x 20, 60kg x 10, 80kg x 5, 100kg x 5, 60 x 10 - Something didn't feel quite right...

Hack squat

50kg x 10, 100kg x 10, 150kg x 10, 180kg x 10 - pauses at the bottom, explode to the top.

Quad extension

80kg x 10, ~115kg (max) x 10, ~115kg+extra rubber weight block x 10 - explode again, hold at the top as best possible

Bulgarian Split Squat (weight per hand, reps per leg)

BW x 10, 20kg x 5, 25kg x 5, 27.5kg x 5

Hamstring curl machine

Can't even remember the weights used, the whole stack at the end, 3 sets of 10 reps.

Standing Calf raise machine

Can't even remember the weights uses, the whole stack at the end, 3 sets of 10 reps.
07/10/2016 - Back day


40kg x 10, 80kg x 10, 120kg x 5, 140kg x 5, 160kg x 1, 170kg x 1, 140kg x 5, 120kg x 5


40kg x 8, 60kg x 8, 70kg x 8, 80kg x 8

Plate loaded front pulldown

20kg x 10, 30kg x 10, 40kg x 10, 45kg x 10

Plate loaded high row

20kg x 10, 35kg x 5, 40kg x 5, 45kg x 5, 50kg x 5

Low pulley row

55kg x 8, 70kg x 8, 80kg x 2 (shoulder which was operated on gave some funny twinges, passed on repping further)

Lat pull downs

49kg x 8, 56kg x 8, 63kg x 8, 70kg x 8, 77kg x 8


BW x 10, 10kg x 5, 20kg x 5, 30kg x 5, 40kg x 5

Finished up with some bicep curlz.
Starting to feel the pre-surgery nerves a little today, it's 11 days away so starting to feel a lot more real! I was 100kg dead this morning and my scales indicated a body fat percentage of 17.8, taken with a rather large pinch of salt of course.

I fly to London on the 17th, will have a night in a hotel close to the hospital to be operated on on the 18th, staying in hospital for 2 nights, flying back to Guernsey on the 20th - I'm travelling there alone but my mum will be flying to London to collect me from the hospital and help get me back home.
Sitting at 98kg tonight - Photo here

My chest to waist ratio is getting bigger, and I definitely feel like I'm leaning out still, 1 week until surgery now!

Saturday was a chest shoulders and tris session, followed by completely obliterating myself with beer, vodka, champagne and prosecco - really stupid of me given that I'm trying to lean out!

Today was back day, did a lot more volume at lighter weights.

I'm getting nervous guys, not about the surgery itself but about what results I can expect!
Get used to idea that you MIGHT need a revision. That way if you don't, it's a bonus rather than an unwelcome surprise. What you've got to bear in mind is that no matter the result, you'll be far better off than you are now, and your confidence will soar.

Spoken as someone who's had gyno surgery and needs a revision but hasn't bothered with it to date.
I'm comfortable with the idea that I won't be perfect, after all I'll have a 15+ inch scar from hip to hip.

I'm comfortable with the idea a revision might be necessary.

I'm comfortable with the idea that I'll be out of action for at least 4 weeks in terms of heavy lifting (I'm sure I can curl in the squat rack after a week or two, amirite?)

My nerves lie in the fact that I've seen so many results that I just wouldn't be happy with, but most of these results are on people who, in my un-professional opinion, were still fat rather than suffering with too much excess skin, I'm worried I might be one of those people!? Check here fir pics
11.08.16 - Chest, shoulders and tris

Fairly standard routine but I managed to hit a bench press PB of 80kg for one. No idea what I did with my triceps but they have slight DOMS in them still today which is very rare for me.

12.08.16 - Legs

The squat rack wasn't free at any point, so ended up doing landmine push press squats, they were good fun - definitely going to incorporate these more often. Used the plate loaded quad extension machine, felt a lot more difficult than the normal pin selected weight machine.

Today is a much needed rest day!
If you can't get on to a squat rack, do Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats instead. Oh yes. :cool:

</MrThingyX mode off>
I've never tried them with a deficit, I'll give them a go one day - probably not having another leg day pre-surgery fortunately ;) Oh dear, the DOMS are going to be real on my first leg session back :(
Well I've had the operation, all went really well and am currently nicely drugged up in hospital. The surgeon popped in around an hour ago so I asked him how well he felt it went and how much was removed. He's really happy with how it went, said because I have low body fat that my result should be very good, and because of the low body fat the weight of the flesh which came off was only around 500 grams, that's on a 16 inch wide hip to hip cut, and he estimates just over 6 inches in length!

On a lighter less serious note I went on a date last night in London, I amended my Tinder profile and managed to meet an absolute blonde bulletshell, she's only just over 5 feet tall! I'll post up about that in GD, so so easy to find dates here, not sure how some guys struggle, got over 100 matches in a day with a very open and honest approach.
Healing is still going well! I had my drains out only 36 hours after surgery, before coming home back to Guernsey which was such a blessing! Drains normally stay in 3 to 5 days post surgery, but in the 36 hours post surgery the drains only collected 40mls between the two of them. My surgeon has said it's due to low body fat so the skin is knitting back to the muscle corset more quickly than majority of people - winning!

The pain is manageable, I'm moving well and haven't had any issues to speak of.

I'm a little swollen and feeling tight, but it's to be expected. I haven't seen my results yet due to the binder I've got to wear, and underneath that I have a full opaque foam style dressing which will be changed Monday and I'll get my first peak at the incision marks and be able to see just how taut the skin is - cannot wait!
Well they've recommend nothing too intense, and nothing which isn't controlled - running on a treadmill wouldn't be allowed as each time you land you tighten your core in an involuntary spasm almost.

Tonight I'm going to head in to the gym and just play it by ear, maybe I'll hit some light compound movements but imagine it'll be primarily isolation based exercises.
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