Getting Into IT

I'm a Developer, went in the door as 1st line in one company, moved to second line (to get to use SQL frequently and do minor bug fixes or at least chase bugs) in my current firm and was offered a Dev role just over a year ago.

They've let me learn on the job which has been great (As well as bumping my salary as I hit targets).

No certs or certificates at all.
I imagine 1st line will be very tedious though. Our 1st line support basically run through a troubleshooting script and then collect logs to pass up the line. There's very little thinking involved.
Good luck for the interview !

A foot in the door is a great way to start and you'll be in touch with a variety of people in different roles (developers, designers, BA's, scrum masters etc) which should give you a better idea of where you'd like to move to with more experience.

certs are a bit "meh" in my view. They prove you can pass a test, not necessarily do the job. Some smell like a con: expecting a "renewal" every few years, restricted number of providers for the training etc - so be VERY careful should it come to being your own money.

EDIT: The point below about the HR filter is very valid.
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Good luck for the interview !

A foot in the door is a great way to start and you'll be in touch with a variety of people in different roles (developers, designers, BA's, scrum masters etc) which should give you a better idea of where you'd like to move to with more experience.

certs are a bit "meh" in my view. They prove you can pass a test, not necessarily do the job. Some smell like a con: expecting a "renewal" every few years, restricted number of providers for the training etc - so be VERY careful should it come to being your own money.

Yeah you got be to careful with certain certs but it helps you get past the HR filter. Always pick the ones which are related to your field of interest and never become an "Paper Engineer"
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sorry for bumping an old thread, I got offered an interview for a 1st line support job, Is this a decent route into an IT career for me? I haven't got any certs (yet).

Isn't that basically what you asked in the OP already?

Lots of people already answered you previously and you're not really offering much information re: this potential role so I'm not really sure what you want here beyond more of the same commentary that you already had.

Perhaps offer some details yourself - are you still looking to become a developer? Why has it taken you so long to get this interview? (Have you been applying for roles for the past few months and then getting rejections? What sort of roles?) What sort of company is it? A support role at a vendor is perhaps a bit different to a support role at some random company that doesn't produce software... especially if your goal is to become a developer.
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