Ghost Love Score, By Nightwish

22 Dec 2004
Rugeley, Staffs
Hi all..

For the past few months, I have been listening to this tune at least once daily... I was just wondering if there were any other fans of this tune on here? Its like 10:00 long, and its from the album Once... I'm not really a long term fan of nightwish, only have that one album, as the tunes I really like are on there, Im not 100% keen on some of the older stuff they did...

I just find this tune relaxes me.. which is rare for me in music (As I listen to Rammstein and the likes of, hehe)

I also know all 10:00 Minutes word for word lol..

Discuss :D
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Yep, Ghost Love Score is pure class :D as is Once as an album. The track is superb live on their "End of an Era DVD/CD".

Century Child / Wishmaster were also great albums (IMHO) but I agree some of the older stuff takes a little getting into.
I'm not really into metal but I just bought this off iTunes and one word...


Is the rest of their stuff like this, or more like mainstream metal?
Tommy B said:
I'm not really into metal but I just bought this off iTunes and one word...


Is the rest of their stuff like this, or more like mainstream metal?

Most of the stuff off Once is similar, I like Dark Chest of Wonders and a couple of others off there :)
Yeah Once is a good album :) loved it when I saw themm perform it live at Manchester.

Their older stuff is not quite as "Heavy" or mainstream imo, it's slightly better though :)
just tried to get it from itunes and it wont let me buy it without purchasing an album. Is that normal? Are apple such money grabbing ***** ******* that they wont let you buy the track on its own?
I think if you were to search the archives you'd find a thread created by me about this track, this was a while back now.

It's a good'en:)
PikeyPriest said:
just tried to get it from itunes and it wont let me buy it without purchasing an album. Is that normal? Are apple such money grabbing ***** ******* that they wont let you buy the track on its own?

Yeah I had to buy the EP for £3 :(
PikeyPriest said:
just tried to get it from itunes and it wont let me buy it without purchasing an album. Is that normal? Are apple such money grabbing ***** ******* that they wont let you buy the track on its own?

Yeah I had to buy the EP for £3 :(
It's an amazing track, one of my Nightwish favourites (though I haven't heard the new single). I actually got into the group after hearing Nemo playing on the closing titles of a movie (think it was The Cave). Not really been a fan of "Metal" up to that point, but then again if you listen to Power/Symphonic Metal like Nightwish, Edenbridge, Within Temptation, Therion or any other band in the genre it's not really "Metal" in the sense of the headbanging/bat chewing/Satanic leather clad wild boy image. It's a journey into your senses with real depth and deserves a far wider audience.

I'm looking forward to their new album later this year.
I have a lot of there albums also, this tune is immense as is nemo, Within temptation are great aswell. I tend to class it more as symphonic metal. :p
Great song and a strong album, but not as good as Century Child. I prefer Beauty Of The Beast over Ghost Love Score.

Within Temptation haven't played metal since Mother Earth, they have more of a Gothic rock sound now.
Thanks for the video clip.

Just bought Eva and it sounds really great, not really metal more folk/rock but if the new Nightwish album lives up to that we are in for a treat.

I see there is a new Within Temptation album (well it was actually released in March) which although it got mixed reviews on South American River is on order from the Gramophone Dog and eagerly awaited.
Within Temptation were awesome at Download 2007, despite technical difficulties. Had a great vibe going amongst the crowd, even if they have become more gothic rock. Our Solemn Hour was performed awesomely :) Might be worth digging up some videos of thier performances at download if you like Nightwish.
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