Ghost Love Score, By Nightwish

Docaroo said:
damn there are no words to describe how much I need to bang Simone from Epica!! Possibly the world's hottest redhead...

She's actually not that hot in real life.

And she's not a redhead :p
Jihad said:
Yeah that's an awesome song, going to be a bit odd adjusting to the new lead singer in the new album though.

Actually I quite like her voice though obviously difficult to tell from one softer song.

Tarja could be a bit, erm, strident at times.
Within Temptation are far superior on the "epic" feel front (as well as everything else when compared to Nightwish). Listening to "Ghost Love Score" for the first time right now. I got the Once album somewhere at home but couldn't make it through about the 4th or 5th track before her whiny voice made me want to punch something and it was relegated to the "never bother listening to again" pile.
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