
I am struggling to see how doing a wheelie with a police vehicle in pursuit can be staged. :D

Either way, I am still in awe at his skills. Interesting to know his real identity as well. I didn't know that.

O i agree a lot of the stuff does look ilegal and like you say his skills are something else.
And like Spie said "how come he's not in jail" as you can see it IS the public roads they are on

Ive seen most of the dvd's you can get them on the duke site
its just some of them look staged with where the camera's are and let's be honest its not hard to deck a car out in police stickers and light's.

Take this one he's on a pretend police gsxr bike trying to pull over a bmw z3
now some fantastic driving and riding but too many camera's in the correct place, the car driver is supposed to think he's being chased by a police bike.

I dont think its luck he run's the exact route their camera's are.
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When it he first appeared many moons ago it was interesting and most of his stuff was illegal but as time past now most of his vids are staged and there are so many copy cats calling themselves ghostrider.
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Any of you remember this old one " the black prince " quite old this one and i think the ghost rider does one dvd taking the same route.

The prince get's close to dead in this one a couple of time's :)

iirc that man is now dead unless it was a rumour but apparently he tried doing the same in other countries but like i say could be bull**** can not be bothered to look it up :D MCN done a commentary on the above film i see on some dvd and they could not believe what they were seeing :)

Edit: Just chased him up and yes he's dead Ghostrider done a tribute too him. :(
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iirc that man is now dead unless it was a rumour but apparently he tried doing the same in other countries but like i say could be bull**** can not be bothered to look it up :D MCN done a commentary on the above film i see on some dvd and they could not believe what they were seeing :)

Edit: Just chased him up and yes he's dead Ghostrider done a tribute too him. :(

End of the day, how can they prove who it is in the videos? Also the bike runs without a plate so their cameras are useless til they catch him in action
There was british a guy who challenged him to have a road race but ghost rider turned him down... (close your eyes for sweary in disclaimer)

I think I have his dvd somewhere, even has footage of burning of gatso :)

Part 2 racing a Evo

Part 3

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You can add Patrick on Facebook, He's a very down to earth guy and good to talk to, He loves his kids very much, and he's get some big plans for this year.
Look up Stu-pid Riding. It's the bald guy towards the end of the film at the bike show, apparently.

EDIT: Been beaten. See above.
Isnt it something to do with their strange laws which means they actually have to catch him, so as long as they dont catch him in the act he can record it and the law cant do anything about it.

It is scary stuff, especially when it even looks fast on camera.
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