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Gigabyte 7950 WF3 Bios - What did yours come with?

Deleted member 135847


Deleted member 135847

Any chance anyone can write an explanation of how to flash?


The bios from gigabyte website will end in .f43 I think. You don't have to rename it to ****.rom as the guide suggests. Just place the bios in the atiwinflash folder. Open dos as it the guide says and type in the bios name exactly as it is from the gigabyte website ( you need to run the exe first to extract the bios from the exe downloaded from gigabyte)
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Deleted member 135847


Deleted member 135847

Yup, run the exe and it will dump the bios in the same folder the exe is in.

Deleted member 135847


Deleted member 135847


The bios from gigabyte website will end in .f43 I think. You don't have to rename it to ****.rom as the guide suggests. Just place the bios in the atiwinflash folder. Open dos as it the guide says and type in the bios name exactly as it is from the gigabyte website ( you need to run the exe first to extract the bios from the exe downloaded from gigabyte)

Not sure if you saw my edit

Deleted member 135847


Deleted member 135847

From what I read bios 1 is "flashable" and bios 2 is supposed to be write protected and a fail safe. However some people have posted saying that both can be flashed.

I backed up both bios using gpu-z, just in case. Then I tried booting with both to make sure they both worked (in case the flash fails) this is important. If they both end up not working you will need a 2nd gpu (could be hd4000 on i5 chip) to be installed to reflash your card, as you won't be as to see what you are doing without the 2nd gpu. Hopefully this won't happen though!

I then flashed bios 1 with f43.

So I now have f43 on bios 1 and fz1 on bios 2.

Not tried flashing bios 2 so no idea if it is even possible.

Would deffo make sure both bios work first.
18 Oct 2011
From what I read bios 1 is "flashable" and bios 2 is supposed to be write protected and a fail safe. However some people have posted saying that both can be flashed.

I backed up both bios using gpu-z, just in case. Then I tried booting with both to make sure they both worked (in case the flash fails) this is important. If they both end up not working you will need a 2nd gpu (could be hd4000 on i5 chip) to be installed to reflash your card, as you won't be as to see what you are doing without the 2nd gpu. Hopefully this won't happen though!

I then flashed bios 1 with f43.

So I now have f43 on bios 1 and fz1 on bios 2.

Not tried flashing bios 2 so no idea if it is even possible.

Would deffo make sure both bios work first.

Ok, in MSI AB i can increase the voltage number and decrease it (but it doesn't take affect because of the lock) so what im asking is after the flash i should have no problem increasing the voltage?

*With a VRM of 85c+ i think i need to flash, would you agree?

Deleted member 135847


Deleted member 135847

Not sure I can give you 100% guarantee about that. Seems lots of folk are having trouble with voltage control. I'm sure you have seen LtMatt's post about it.... If you have at least enable the sliders in AB then that seems half the battle. Seems most people cannot even get the slider to not be greyed out. Just be prepared to wipe drivers and AB off once you have flashed and reinstall them from scratch. Not sure if you need to but that's what I did.

All I can tell you I flashed to f43 and using AB beta (which seems to now include as standard options a lot of what LtMatt asks people to do in his posts) I can change voltage to whatever I like. I have previously (6+ months ago) enabled unlocking in trixx and also done the AB config unofficial unlock. But I have uninstalled and wipe drivers off so many times I would be suprised if anything is still hanging around on the system from that.

If both of your bios work on your card you don't really have much to loose by flashing bios 1. If it doesn't work you can switch to bios 2 and be a-okay and reflash bios 1 with your back up if you are fussed about bios 1 not working.

If only one of your bios works I would be very cautious personally.

If you have VRMS temps of 85 I think f43 will bring them down a bit

Excuse my typing, iPad is not great for long posts!
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15 Apr 2010
mine came pre oc at 1ghz runs fine at 1200 and ram maxed out on after burner should i leave the bios as is or upgrade ?

Deleted member 135847


Deleted member 135847

Failed flash "Unknown SPI"

Is this bad? Or just a mistake that can be fixed

Not 100% but a quick google search for unknown spi bios flash suggest ati winflash might need to be reinstalled. Also try re-downloading the bios.

Did you put the "-f" instruction in as the bios has to be "forced" on - if you try to use the gigabyte @BIOS tool it won't let you do it either.

Failing that I am not sure. I luckily didn't have any issues, so I have not trawled google and read up on it all if you run into problems.

Deleted member 135847


Deleted member 135847

"If it ain't broke........"

Your card sounds very UNbroke !


Don't forget there is nothing wrong with the FZ1 bios. They are how gigabyte intended them to be, they will just run a little hotter (I know it is easy me saying this when I have not run into problems).

I was only worried my VRMs were over 90c, if yours are not and you are happy with etc dont worry.

Deleted member 135847


Deleted member 135847


They are easily overlooked and some programs don't even monitor them. GPU-Z does, but you have to scroll down to see them. The VRMs are usually a good deal hotter than your core so it is worth checking what temp they are if you are overclocking.

I have no idea what the official safe level is (I guess this would change depending on manufacturer). Reading on net/forums would suggest once you start getting over 80-90c on VRMs you should try and claw the voltage back or look at cooling them better some how. Others have said they are okay to 120c?
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