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Gigabyte GeForce GTX 560Ti OC – conflicting known problems and info?

19 Apr 2003
I’m on the verge of ordering the Gigabyte 560Ti as it’s quiet and the rma is UK based – but during my research into the 560Ti I’ve come across a lot of threads about unstable ‘pre-overclocked’ cards and the ‘tdr issue’. Unfortunately, Gigabyte appeared in a lot in these threads - as did other cards.

I’ve also read conflicting reviews about whether the Gigabyte GeForce GTX 560Ti OC voltage is able to be tweaked (one review said it didn’t have the hardware option) – could someone in the know please clarify this?

Basically, is there a known on-going issue with the Gigabyte card (comparatively - when compared to MSI or ASUS) – and if there is have drivers or BIOS updates finally resolved the issue (googling again has given up conflicting results). And can you tweak the voltage with this particular model?
I have the same Gigabyte card in my second rig, and I began to have crash to desktop issues with BF3- so after reading some forums I wandered off and grabbed the latest BIOS for the card and flashed it. Loaded up BF3- more CTDs, did some more reading and decided to push the graphics card vcore up a little- jobs a good'un!

Seems there isn't enough vcore as standard (even at stock speeds), works perfectly now.
I had the 460 version of that card and it was so quiet it was inaudible. Now I've an inno3d 570 it is much louder. I'm going back to Gigabyte next upgrade....need less noise :) The dual fans work a charm, you'll love it.
I've had the Twin Frozr 560 Ti for a while now and it's not have one problem, always run flawlessly, OC edition at 880mhz.

Getting second one delivered tomorrow for SLI :)
I have the same Gigabyte card in my second rig, and I began to have crash to desktop issues with BF3- so after reading some forums I wandered off and grabbed the latest BIOS for the card and flashed it. Loaded up BF3- more CTDs, did some more reading and decided to push the graphics card vcore up a little- jobs a good'un!

Seems there isn't enough vcore as standard (even at stock speeds), works perfectly now.

Thanks for the info sedmonds - and thanks for clarifying that the vCore can be raised on that particular model.

Your experience seems to echo that of a lot of other threads - i'm surprised that 900MHz is a problem for some pre-clocked cards as it’s a relatively modest clock especially for handpicked cores for pre-clocked cards.

I had the 460 version of that card and it was so quiet it was inaudible. Now I've an inno3d 570 it is much louder. I'm going back to Gigabyte next upgrade....need less noise :) The dual fans work a charm, you'll love it.
I have the same Gigaybyte 460 in my rig at present and have been equally impressed but a family member needs a new card so I thought I would upgrade to a 560Ti and pass on my 460 when they're next visiting.

I've had the Twin Frozr 560 Ti for a while now and it's not have one problem, always run flawlessly, OC edition at 880mhz.
Yes, the MSI doesn’t get mentioned as much, maybe because of its less aggressive clock. Some Gigbyte owners have reduced their clocks by ~20MHz and resolved their issues that way. But this shouldn’t be a requirement when you’ve bought a card at a specified speed.

Having said that some Gigabyte and MSI owners are running their cards at 950Mhz+ at default volts – but that’s an unknown bonus - as long as it’s happy running at its specified speedand at stock voltages, with zero issues, I’ll have no complaints.

I wish I could source a standard Gigabyte 560Ti and add the clock myself and see how lucky I get.
I have a Gigabyte 560 Ti OC 900MHZ in the BF3 BETA it suffered the crash to desktop issue however in the full game it does not its not crashed once in 6 hours of online play, it also runs the game on high with 4xaa at an average of around 50FPS in 1680, pretty impressive I thought

Also I have not had any issues what so ever in any other games and I play a lot of games
Thanks Relentless81 - your reply is reassuring in that you have had zero issues with any game, apps, browsing etc (crashing to desktop with BETA software doesn't count).

I've now read numerous threads and they've all had issues with Pre-OC cards - but the trouble is people only post when there's a problem so you get a very one-sided view.

I was beginning to think that this was the norm with the amount of forum banter - but yours is the second post i've seen where the Gigabyte hasn't had any issues in any environment (be hat game, browser or just idle).

I think i'll end up going for the Gigabyte, purely for their UK base, but i don’t think i'll be too surprised if i have an issue or two when it's installed.

Perhaps if i expect the worse i'll be pleasantly surprised...

Anyone know when the Gigabytes were last on a 'this week special' - because if it's been a while they may be due a turn?
If you've already got the 460 gigabyte then you'll know it's a silent card and runs a treat, just stick at it with your next upgrade. I only went for the inno3d card as it was an offer I couldn't say no to. Gigabyte for me the next time I upgrade in the 6**series
I dont think you'll have any problems, Metro 2033 is an extremely demanding game as is BF3 and both run fine on mine

I do have a very good over specced power supply in my PC though, not sure if that helps it or not

I also paid release price for mine, £220 back in March if I remember rightly, no regrets at all I would pay it again but they are a fair bit cheaper now
Thanks for the replies guys.

I've opted for the Gigabyte 560Ti (UK RMA and i've now heard how quiet it is) and hope that it's niggle free - but i'm use to patching and BIOS flashing so even if i do have a problematic card i will hopefully be able to resolve it relatively quickly.

I'm going to wait for tomorrows 'this week specials' in the hope that the Gigabyte card has some money knocked off.

If any of you are interested i'll post my verdict of the card once i've given it a proper workout. The emphasis will be on stability, compatibilty and hopefully silence.
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