****Gigabyte Osmium keyboard, Krypton mouse and Krypton pad review****


Still using it without any issues.

The mouse pad also hasn't frayed along the edge either (been using the harder "speed" side mainly).
Wanted the Osmium KB for my lads birthday, but as its this week and they were out of stock, I went with the K90. You watch them land back at OCUK now I bought the K90.
Great review, however there are some issues with the keyboard not mentioned.

If you leave a mobile phone next to it, it stops working. Supposedly due to interference, you need to make sure it is atleast a foot away.

It requires a pair of USB ports in your computer to function, one of them is simply for the Alivia logo to power up, but the whole keyboard won't work without it.

The software is appalling on Win7 x64, it doesn't save macros properly and the Alivia logo always resets on boot to a torquoise color which does not match the keyboard. It also stays lit up when you turn your PC off unless at the wall, or turn off the illumination via the toggles unlike the rest of the keyboard which turns off properly.

Pushing the alivia button does nothing on my model. I thought it was faulty but a web search reveals ton's of problems for this keyboard, so do your due dilligence before trusting the reviews ;)

Oh and the other problem, again documented elsewhere, it seems to "stick" sometimes, Ie you press x once and this happens: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx until you press another key. It is not an occasional problem either.
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Oh and the other problem, again documented elsewhere, it seems to "stick" sometimes, Ie you press x once and this happens: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx until you press another key. It is not an occasional problem either.
I get that very occasionally, one of the reasons i'm tempted by a Shine III...
Great review, however there are some issues with the keyboard not mentioned.

If you leave a mobile phone next to it, it stops working. Supposedly due to interference, you need to make sure it is atleast a foot away.

It requires a pair of USB ports in your computer to function, one of them is simply for the Alivia logo to power up, but the whole keyboard won't work without it.

The software is appalling on Win7 x64, it doesn't save macros properly and the Alivia logo always resets on boot to a torquoise color which does not match the keyboard. It also stays lit up when you turn your PC off unless at the wall, or turn off the illumination via the toggles unlike the rest of the keyboard which turns off properly.

Pushing the alivia button does nothing on my model. I thought it was faulty but a web search reveals ton's of problems for this keyboard, so do your due dilligence before trusting the reviews ;)

Oh and the other problem, again documented elsewhere, it seems to "stick" sometimes, Ie you press x once and this happens: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx until you press another key. It is not an occasional problem either.

I always have my phone attached to the keyboard and its always within 6 inches of the keyboard (edit, my desk is so tight its actually touching the keyboard) and I don't get any issues.

You need to get a better phone;)

The extra USB cable is colored blue and is for the USB3.0 port on the side.

No issues with the software or the logo ever resetting turquoise.

So perhaps that why I have never mentioned them because I have had no problems with the keyboard;)
I have this very same keyboard and do not have any problems, having a Samsung galaxy 3 near or around my keyboard causes no problem and none off mentioned you have said. you may a one off problem. speak to the manufacture about your guarantee for a speedy fix !
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