Gigabyte Start-up Logo Displayed for Too Long Before Loading Windows

20 Mar 2018
Good day,

Few weeks ago, I've purchased and received a used Gigabyte GA-EP43T-S3L Revision 1.1 from a seller in China through ebay, as shown in the link below:

The motherboard that I receives works well within the 1st week after obtaining it. Every time I switched on the system, the Gigabyte start-up logo was displayed within 5 seconds before the Windows 10 is loaded. The photo of the logo is shown below:

On the second week onwards however, I noticed that the Gigabyte start-up logo is displayed for 35 seconds before Windows 10 is loaded. I tried remove the hard disk, CMOS battery, ram etc., but the Gigabyte start-up logo is still displayed around 35 seconds before Windows 10 is loaded.

I also updated the bios from version F3 to version F7 (the latest version), but still no improvement.

Does this means that the BIOS (or the motherboard) is faulty? I have requested for a refund/replacement of the item through ebay. If this thing is not an issue, I will cancel the refund/replacement request for this item on ebay.
Yes, so far I have no problem running Windows 10 on the system for the first 1 week. I'm not sure if I accidentally mishandled the board (strong impact, too much moist/humidity etc.) and damaged the bios.
There is most likely a setting in the bios along the lines of "Show full screen logo at startup". Turn it off :)
Btw, beside accidentally changed the setting in the BIOS, is there any other possible cause for this problem? For example, the system is exposed to strong impact/vibration or too much moisture/humidity?
I don't think it is windows problem, because this thing happen immediately after on and before loading the windows. Anyway, I will share the video link before and after disabling the start up logo after this.
I have recorded the video when I on the computer (before and after disabling the on-screen logo) and uploaded to youtube. Please find the video in the link below:

Sorry for taking quite some time to share the video. My camera automatically adjust the focus after I disable the on-screen logo, causing the sentence written underneath the logo cannot be read clearly. Feel free to inform me if you need me to record the video all over again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Several things I can see in the BIOS that can be changed:
Quick Boot is set to Disabled (should be enabled)
First Boot Device is set to USB-FDD (set to Hard Drive)
Init Display First is set to PCI (should be PCI-E or PEG)
Looks like it's struggling to identify your hard drive, re-seat sata cable maybe. Video is out of focus but looks like HD is identified as Intel, is it an older ssd? Could that be failing?
Several things I can see in the BIOS that can be changed:
Quick Boot is set to Disabled (should be enabled)
First Boot Device is set to USB-FDD (set to Hard Drive)
Init Display First is set to PCI (should be PCI-E or PEG)

Thank you for the feedback. Already done the suggested setting, as shown in the video in the link below. This time, I record the video in the dark (without lights on) because I think my camera tries to focus the image reflected by the shining monitor screen whenever the screen is black. Please take note that there was an error while loading windows after exiting the BIOS setting at the end of the video - this thing also starts to happen since few days ago (before you suggested to change the BIOS setting) and I am not sure whether it is caused by faulty motherboard, other faulty components, or corrupted windows. I will reformat the PC again and see if the windows loading error still happens.

The only setting change that I did after getting the board all this time are as follow:
1) Changed the SATA AHCI mode from IDE to AHCI.
2) Changed the SATA Port0-3 Native mode from Disabled to Enabled (might not be necessary because I think this setting is only applicable if I use IDE instead of AHCI, but I changed it anyway).
The video of this 2 setting changes are available in the link below.

My other current BIOS setting is also shown in the video in the link below. Please advice if there is any other setting that I should do before reformatting the desktop.

Looks like it's struggling to identify your hard drive, re-seat sata cable maybe. Video is out of focus but looks like HD is identified as Intel, is it an older ssd? Could that be failing?

The brand and model of the SSD is Intel® SSD DC S3510 Series (1.2TB, 2.5in SATA 6Gb/s, 16nm, MLC), as shown in the link below

The photo of the SSD is shown below.

The SSD is has been used for roughly 1 year plus and is still under 5-year warranty. So far the Intel SSD Toolbox and Crystal Disk info show indicate that the SSD is still in good condition, as shown in the photos below.

I tried to switch on the system when the SSD, memory, and CMOS battery are disconnected, but there were no improvement.

Lastly, I mentioned in my first post in this thread that the Gigabyte On-screen logo was displayed normally within 5 seconds (or lesser) when I was using it for the first week. However, the following things happened after I used it for 1 week:
1) I accidentally dropped the computer case (together with the motherboard in it) from the height of 0.5 metre.
2) The computer case that I use for this motherboard has been used since 2002. The dust accumulated in the case was sticky and cannot be removed just by wiping/brushing/blowing. Therefore I decided to take out all the electrical contents from the case so that I can wash the entire case using soap water. I did dry the case by wiping it with towel and put it under the hot sun for more than 1 hour. While reinstalling all the electronic components inside the case, I was confident that there was no more water remained, even between the joints in the case. After reinstalling all the electronic components, I even left the desktop on for 2 continuous days so that the airflow produced by the fan inside the case removed any remaining moisture/excessive humidity.

Just in case if you think that the board is faulty because of excessive vibration/impact or moisture/excessive humidity, please let me know and I will not proceed returning the item to the seller because this thing happened due to my own mishandling. If you think that this problem is not caused by excessive vibration/impact or moisture/excessive humidity however, I will proceed requesting for the replacement.

Thank you and have a nice day.
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Have you got any usb devices plugged in other than keyboard and mouse?
No. Only the dongle for my Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse were connected to my board's USB port.

Can also try setting "halt on errors" to none, instead of keyboard only, and then try booting without the keyboard and mouse.
Will do it by the time I'm at my office again tomorrow (because I left the desktop is at the office and I am currently at home).

Have found reference to a couple of slow boot issues with gigabyte boards mentioning usb devices:
At the end of the thread, that guy said his MagicJack is the one causing computer to be slow during the boot process. At this moment, only the dongle for my Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse were connected to my board's USB port.
No. Only the dongle for my Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse were connected to my board's USB port.

Either try booting without that (as mentioned) or replace with a standard wired keyboard and mouse just to rule it out - based on those threads usb device sounds likely (however unlikely it would normally sound).
All right, will do it when I'm at the office tomorrow and update the result to you after that.

One more thing, please give opinion whether the excessive vibration/impact or moisture/excessive humidity that I confessed above do contribute to this problem. If you think they do, I will not proceed with the return request.
I had an older gigabyte board do the same (board was a 770t-ud3).

Was the hdd I was using, just didn't like that hdd for whatever reason. With it plugged in, it would do much the same as yours. Just sit on the post screen for ages, before finally booting. Once booted it was fine. Occasionally it would boot quickly, but most of the time it was slow. Used a different hdd, been fine since.

Drive that came out is fine, worked elsewhere, just for some reason the board apparently did not like it.
One more thing, please give opinion whether the excessive vibration/impact or moisture/excessive humidity that I confessed above do contribute to this problem. If you think they do, I will not proceed with the return request.

Will have.made no difference whatsoever - you are worrying too.much
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