Gigabyte X370 K7 issue

11 Oct 2009
Greater London
Tried booting my PC this morning but while the fans spin and all the lights light up, no power is going to my USB devices including keyboard and nothing appears on the displays.

I'm also getting this weird issue where the PC does seem to reboot every now and then:

I checked the error code 54 and seems to point to a RAM issue, but I tried reseating the RAM/1 stick at a time/different slot and the same issue appears. I also tried clearing the CMOS via removing the battery but it does nothing.

Holding the power button for a few seconds does fully shut down everything.

Any ideas on what I can try? I'm going to try the CMOS reset pins when I get back from work to see if that does anything. Is there also a way for me to force the board to perhaps use the backup BIOS? Bare in mind my keyboard doesn't seem to work as it doesn't get any power.

This system is pretty much at stock apart from the RAM, which is running at 3200MHz, and I did try clearing the CMOS to run at the slower 2133MHz profile it initially started with.
Tried the CMOS jumpers, did nothing. Tried the backup BIOS via the BIOS switch, same issue too. Stripped everything down to the bare basics, and rebuilt the whole thing but still nothing. Tried a different set of working DDR4 RAM but still getting error 54. RMA time?
Check single stick at a time and different slots.

Make sure you don't overtighten cooler.

Check the pins in the socket.
Aleady did, I tried both sticks one at a time on each slot but still the same error code. Got a spare DDR4 kit from work (well, more like pulled out the only PC with DDR4 :p) and tried both sticks one at a time as well.

Reseated the cooler and made sure it wasn't tightened too much. No warping on the board either. Reseated the CPU too and checked the pins and socket, all looks good.

I had a look around and seems softbricking was common for this board, but only found one other person with error 54 who RMA'd and it was the board at fault. His symptons seems to match with mine, and also on bios F4 main/F2 backup. I should've updated to the latest when I had the chance...
Aleady did, I tried both sticks one at a time on each slot but still the same error code. Got a spare DDR4 kit from work (well, more like pulled out the only PC with DDR4 :p) and tried both sticks one at a time as well.

Reseated the cooler and made sure it wasn't tightened too much. No warping on the board either. Reseated the CPU too and checked the pins and socket, all looks good.

I had a look around and seems softbricking was common for this board, but only found one other person with error 54 who RMA'd and it was the board at fault. His symptons seems to match with mine, and also on bios F4 main/F2 backup. I should've updated to the latest when I had the chance...

hopefully rep maybe able to shed some light of offer advice @GIGA-Man
Hello Orcvader, we can arrange a RMA for you if you like. We are based in the UK so you wont be with out a board for very long. You seem to have tried all the things I would have recommended already. Let me know what you would like to do.
Hello Orcvader, we can arrange a RMA for you if you like. We are based in the UK so you wont be with out a board for very long. You seem to have tried all the things I would have recommended already. Let me know what you would like to do.

Sweet, what's the best way to contact you?
Contact OC UK Web note or Phone them to start a RMA ,
What i did with my Gigabyte AX370 gaming 5 , With soundblaster Z sound card not detecting all the time.
Already contacted OcUK via webnote but so far they suggested flashing an older BIOS, which really my board won't go into a state that will even allow me to flash one. Waiting to hear back from @GIGA-Man .
Speaking of @GIGA-Man ,My AX370-GAMING 5 motherboard RMA is now on route to Gigabyte UK to Sort out the Defect of Soundblaster Z cards loosing sound ,
Hope they can solve this defect by now after all the months .
Already contacted OcUK via webnote but so far they suggested flashing an older BIOS, which really my board won't go into a state that will even allow me to flash one. Waiting to hear back from @GIGA-Man .

get on the phone, normally OCUK are excellent at RMA- to be honest seems gigabyte reps end up dealing with RMA that are from competitors - the irony

Speaking of @GIGA-Man ,My AX370-GAMING 5 motherboard RMA is now on route to Gigabyte UK to Sort out the Defect of Soundblaster Z cards loosing sound ,
Hope they can solve this defect by now after all the months .

surprised your using a sound card with the x370 Gaming 5 as part from featuring Creative its better - along with allow Headsets with USB to be used - although can understand buying a product and wanting it to work it components that you've got :)
difference is noticeable in sound from the on board to the sound blaster Z when Use the Logitech z906 5.1 speakers , Noticed more bass ,Louder sounds out of all speakers ,
Sound blaster z got more Caps /Chips, More happening on the board.
More options in sound card software & with DTS , Doby Connect for movies .

Many people who purchased the new Sound BlasterX AE-5 wish they stayed with the sound blaster Z ,Due to not having any DTS , Doby Connect :)
A lot of them sent them back.
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Small update, called OcUK over the weekend and got an RMA sorted. Received an email today that they sent it to Gigabyte for repair/replacement. Any idea if OcUK does their own tests first before sending it over?

Meanwhile hooked up my Surface to the dock with my monitors/mouse/keyboard for now, but argh, I'm really feeling the performance drop :p.
@GIGA-Man any chance you can help? I've RMA'd it to OcUK who sent it to you guys on the 17th Oct, I asked them if there was any update but they said they were still waiting to hear from you. Been nearly 3 weeks now :(.
I sent my AX370-GAMING 5 motherboard off start OCT , 28 days be up this friday & OCUK offer a refund if goes over that time limit.
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