Giraffe Tries to Stronglift!

So, I think I need to stop lying to myself that I can get all my exercises done in the morning :/

2x5 @ 20Kg
1x5 @ 40Kg
1x3 @ 60Kg
5x5 @ 77.5Kg

2x5 @ 20Kg
1x5 @ 40Kg
1x3 @ 52.5Kg
5x5 @ 65Kg

Ran out of time, rest was home gym.
TBH I should have done the rows and benched with dumbells at work

5x5 @ 35Kg

3x5 @ BW + 30Kg
As I've said before, that's some strong dipping
Thanks, I've not even got big arms haha.

Today, woke up and felt like balls.
Did not want to work out.
Workout then went balls.
hey ho

2x5 @ 20kg
1x5 @ 40kg
1x5 @ 60Kg
1x3 @ 70Kg
5/3/3 @ 80Kg
5/5 @ 70Kg

At one point, I believe I look at my toes, at my back rounds to punish me :(

This all took me too long, so everything else was made up at the work gym:

5x5 @ 20Kg

DL(RDL with Dumbbells)
3x5 @ 35Kg

3x5 @ BW + 22.5 Kg
So, yesterday I tired to move the bar lower.
This did not work.
Couldn't get into position without lots of pain in my shoulders and pressure on my hand. Playing around with it really ruined my workout tbh.

So I moved on, in the evening I decided if I can't get the bar into a low bar, I'm just going to have to high bar properly.
So I dropped weight down no 60, I feel comfortable there. And tried to focus on the high bar ques from Alan Thrall's youtube.

2x5 @ 20Kg
1x5 @ 40Kg
1x3 @ 50Kg
6-7x5 @ 60kg (I lost track of sets haha)
So, A critique:
I feel I'm not going deep enough? looks high to me.
I'm leaning forward at the bottom, drifting onto my toes.
I also think a number of times I'm bending at the bottom.
I'm taking the advice from Alan Thrall's youtube and blaming ankle mobility for rocking onto toes so adding the stretches he suggests to my warmup.

2x5 @ 20Kg
1x3 @ 30Kg
5x5 @ 45Kg

1x5 @ 60Kg
1x5 @ 80Kg
1x5 @ 97.5Kg
Bumper plates arrive tomorrow, so these'll be easier to setup and less worry about noise haha

3x5 @ BW + 23.75Kg
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So, more of the highbar eh?

2x5 @ 20kg
1x5 @ 40Kg
1x3 @ 55kg
5/5/4/5/5 @ 70kg
TBH, I lost count on the 4 rep set. trying to hold too much in my head. (I've got trousers on this time haha )

I'm still leaning forwards :/ butt's heading back..... Not deep enough.....need more practice.

2x5 @ 20kg
1x3 @ 35kg
5/5/5/4/5 @ 47.5kg

1x5 @ 60Kg
1x5 @ 80kg
1x5 @ 90kg
1x4 @ 100kg :(

1x5 BW + 25Kg
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Experiencing a pain in the front of my hip as I 'get in the hole' :p
not great :(
Skipped the squats as I felt I was only going to aggravate it, quite frankly I'm getting annoyed at my form.
I consistently raise my heels, tbh I felt my form was better back when I was doing the 'low bar form with a high bar position'.

I'm looking into getting some 1 on 1 time with a coach.


OHP: (Decided to adapt this with the periodization guide from the gym rats thread.)
2x5 @ 20Kg
3x8 @ 35Kg

1x5 @ 60Kg
1x5 @ 80Kg
1x5 @ 92.5Kg
3x5 @ 102.5Kg

Chin up:
3x5 @ BW + 30Kg
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