Giraffe Tries to Stronglift!

5x5 BW + 5kg (Nice and slow)

2x5 @ 20kg
1x5 @ 30kg
4x8 @ 42.5kg

1x5 @ 60kg
1x5 @ 80kg
3x5 @ 95kg
(Going to my dad's tonight, had to get the DL done in the morning.... I hate DL in the morning, Time and mood made me stay at my last warm-up weight and just get some reps in. I'm on the build up for a new place, once there I won't have to pack everything away in a ******** cupboard before I go to work haha)

just to add to this, as I don't mention it.
At lunch I do a few GMB routines, one for shoulders, one hips, and one elbows
These are like, all my mobility stuff.
5x5 BW + 5kg

2x5 @ 20Kg
1x5 @ 40Kg
1x5 @ 60Kg
1x3 @ 80Kg
3/3/1 @ 95Kg (Came off my bike yesterday, ***** myself on the ice, shoulder not happy with bench)

Had to make do at work gym so Dumbbells:
4x8 @ 40Kg single arm rows
That was basically there! Just need a friend to curl it up for the last 6” while shouting it’s all you bro. Looked form didn’t break down too much which is a good sign. You’ll hit 1.5xBW in no time :)
I'm going to go for the 105 on wed, without the 100kg attempt before hand haha.

5x5 BW + 10Kg

2x5 @ 20kg
1x5 @ 30kg
8/7/8/6 @ 45kg

1x5 @ 60kg
1x5 @ 80kg
1x5 @ 95kg
3/5/5 @ 110kg

Chin ups:
I feel my back needed a bit more work:
Dead hang->sternum to bar
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5x5 @10kg

Going for 1rm again.
2x5 @20kg
1x5 @40Kg
1x3 @70kg
1x2 @80kg
1x1 @ 90kg
1x1 @ 105Kg
2/1 @ 95kg (tried to do my sets, didn't have it in me)

(I'm so out of practice with the bent over row :/)
5x5 @60kg

Chin ups
It's a new year and the same ol' me.
Hopefully this's the year of the SQUAT!

5x5 @ 10kg

2x5 @ 20kg
1x5 @ 40kg
1x5 @ 60kg
1x3 @ 80kg
2/1 @ 95kg (rushing in a bit I think)
2 @ 90kg (still no)
3x3 @ 85kg
I think we're due a de-load.

So I'd planned to row at work, gym was mobbed.
I managed to work round people through a little circuit of
one arm row
seated row machine
sit up/extention things

Didn't get enough sets done though.
Good news, and bad news and other good news

Good news is gym was empty again hahaha
Bad news is hip pain stuff is back, even when I'm just hanging out at 10Kg :(
So Physio it is, I've paid my money now so no more being stingy
Lets hope I'm not broke broke :p

Skipped(for reasons above)

2x5 @ 20Kg
1x5 @ 35kg
5/3/4/4 @ 47.5Kg (..... maybe I was naive to thing I could just swing back into OHP haha)

(I deloaded, I always fear I'll hurt myself on the deadlift)
1x5 @ 60
1x5 @ 80
1x5 @ 90
3x5 @ 100
Whilst it might sound bad, I would rest completely until you get some idea from the physio etc - training whilst sort of injured is likely to lead to longer term problems. Hopefully you get it sorted quick and easy. Fingers crossed

So I had my first physio and I'm already trying to ignore the cost of the rest of them haha.
He identified a couple of things, mainly a weakness in one side of my hip and that my squat form needs work :p

I've been given some stretches for internal and external rotation of the hip, and the clamshell exercise to even out the hip.

He wants me back in a week, and he says in 3-4 weeks we'll go over my squat form, depending on how I'm progressing.

It's quite nice seeing a sports physio, going in and him working with me to get me squatting again, rather than just 'back on my feet' like the NHS would do
Good stuff. I'm lucky in the sense that I know a guy who is an ex-premier league sides' physio - He set up himself now (less money but way less travelling) - very reasonable costs etc. Worth working on things to get you back squatting. Good luck. Heal up!

Thought I'd give an update, had another session yesterday.
Unfortunately it seems there's not much change in my internal rotation range of motion, he's given me some new stretches.
Another couple strengtheners for the outside of my hip

He says I should be fine for deadlifts, though I should avoid going too deep and maybe start with the weights raised on a couple of plates.

Also more planks and deadbugs, getting my core rigid as second nature for the squats needs work... no quick fix in this world is there?
Hey look, a month since I posted.
Sheer coincidence!

Yesterday the physio says he's happy with me and I'm done :D
I'm to get my squats started, low weight, focusing on my form for a good while.
My form was a problem, and lack of squatting has made it more of a problem. I've got exercises/stretches/points to look out for but I'm to get back into my workout routine.
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