(Girls Aloud thread) Don't Be Jealous Guys/Girls....

I'd rather go see Girls Aloud in brighton tbh :p
I'd rather stab my ears than either, but Muse are less annoying and there'd be far less fags than GA in Brighton :p
atpbx said:
I'll see your Girls Aloud,

And raise you Muse at wembley on the 16th of june.

I will join you! Can't wait after hearing My Chemical Romance, The Streets and We Are Scientists are supporting! (According to The London Paper)

Gilly said:
I'd rather stab my ears than either, but Muse are less annoying and there'd be far less fags than GA in Brighton :p

Old gem I know... but at least Muse play their own instruments and write their own songs! :p

Who supported GA anyway... surely someone worse than them?

BB x
I saw Girls Aloud in Nottingham on sunday.. was a good gig (not the best ive seen) but they are hot so it makes up for it. i tried to get some pics some were blurry a few were ok tho.

Also i saw Metallica @ Download 2006 and that was AWESOME!! they are really good band live.
Gilly said:
I'd rather stab my ears than either, but Muse are less annoying and there'd be far less fags than GA in Brighton :p

Thats true, but girls aloud concert will have 18 year olf females, Muse will be 14 year old boys, not my thing really :p
My god you people are paying to see some crap!

Girls Aloud
Tiesto (OK, not crap)

There's about 3 songs produced by all of them rolled together I wouldn't turn off if it came on the radio!
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