(Girls Aloud thread) Don't Be Jealous Guys/Girls....

Gilly said:
Hah. No. They're absolute turd.

Bout time a decent band was mentioned.
One that writes, plays and sings their own music live might I add :D
I went to see them on Sunday at Notts.

Fantastic viewing angle from the raised section (right of the stage) much side on boob wobbling.

They sang all the songs. Not as good as some acts but not shockingly bad as most would expect.

On of the support acts was a highlight for me. Rouge Traders, who's set was like a mini concert. The lead singer is very hot. Not Girls Alound hot, proper hot! Short black dress, loads of energy and a strong voice. She got the croud going more than GA did IMHO.
Gilly said:
My god you people are paying to see some crap!

Girls Aloud
Tiesto (OK, not crap)

There's about 3 songs produced by all of them rolled together I wouldn't turn off if it came on the radio!

dear oh dear, happy chappy arentcha :p
Gilly said:
My god you people are paying to see some crap!

Girls Aloud
Tiesto (OK, not crap)

There's about 3 songs produced by all of them rolled together I wouldn't turn off if it came on the radio!

That's your opinion, we don't have to agree with you! :p

Guys - he just likes to express his opinion a bit more than us...leave him be... :rolleyes:

*pats Gilly on head*


BB x
Considering a fair percentage of what spills from Gillys mouth regarding music tastes is indeed tripe, I got to give the man credit for pointing out Metallica are complete crap. I cannot for one second see the appeal of listening to them. And also, GA as crap as would be I bet they look damn good.
EVH said:
One that writes, plays and sings their own music live might I add :D
Hate said:
dear oh dear, happy chappy arentcha
Perfectly :)
CDj-Rossi said:
Gilly you talk crap. If people wanna pay to see them, whats the prob lol. I bet half the people you see are crap.
Really? Well thats fine. You judge who I go see before even knowing who they are. very mature.
BrightonBelle said:
That's your opinion, we don't have to agree with you! :p
Of course you don't. And knowing you as I do I knew you never would, as my musical taste far exceeds yours :D
My mate got bought a 'The Who' ticket, one for him and one for his GF from his GF's parents. Neither know why, they can't stand The Who.
Good lord, some people really need therapy for their musical tastes.

Like Gilly, I would rather stab myself in the ears with knitting needles than see some plastic girl band for 12 year old girls and gayers.

Raises the stakes with Deep Purple, Thin Lizzy and Styx at NEC last month. :cool:

/Lovingly strokes Rush tickets. :)
If you just want to see girls gyrate on stage, why not go to live sex show? :confused:

You're not going for the "music" so don't kid yourself. Who's sadder, you, or a perv who goes into peep booth?
Orange Peel said:
I went to see them on Sunday at Notts.

Fantastic viewing angle from the raised section (right of the stage) much side on boob wobbling.

They sang all the songs. Not as good as some acts but not shockingly bad as most would expect.

On of the support acts was a highlight for me. Rouge Traders, who's set was like a mini concert. The lead singer is very hot. Not Girls Alound hot, proper hot! Short black dress, loads of energy and a strong voice. She got the croud going more than GA did IMHO.

the lead singer from Rogue Traders used to be in Neighbours (Izzy)
Gilly said:
Of course you don't. And knowing you as I do I knew you never would, as my musical taste far exceeds yours :D

Hmmm not sure about exceeding... :rolleyes:

Just different - like you ;) - thats why we love you!

Ha hahah...

BB x
Alexrose1uk said:
I'll take your Muse, and raise you Metallica on the 8th June ^^

Legends! (Can't Wait!)

I'll take your Metallica and raise you Jinxy lennon the spirit store tomorrow. :D

as for GA man i'd love to see them from 3rd row. They are hmmm licious.

Seen the suga babes a few years ago and they were great.
squiffy said:
You're not going for the "music" so don't kid yourself. Who's sadder, you, or a perv who goes into peep booth?

pretty sure most people go for a mix of the music and the girls , mainly the girls but blah the tunes are catchy

yea live sex show instead thatl be great.... because the girls there arent old skanks or eastern european skanks are they...
squiffy said:
If you just want to see girls gyrate on stage, why not go to live sex show? :confused:

You're not going for the "music" so don't kid yourself. Who's sadder, you, or a perv who goes into peep booth?

I quite enjoy there music actually, i own all there albums and its often playing on my ipod, so your wrong. Plus it was a fun night out :)
What I dont get is they all won a live singing competiton. Yet since winning they rarely sing live and when they do its woefull. None of them will have any sort of career when they split. They all get these delusions of a solo career and it never works out. There's a small market for girl bands especially reasonably fit ones. They go solo and its over.

They never learn to just keep milking the cash cow, they believe they are serious artists that need to go solo.
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