Give OcUK £249.98 and in return you get the best peripheral EVER!

you can do that with aftebrurner + hwinfo/hwmonitor

afterburner is capable of reading all the sensors hwinfo provides and displayed them on its OSD

rainmeter does it with core temp and after burner just had to tinker with the skin to get it to look nice. Will consider making my own if I ever get the chance :)

I have a QPad MK-85

Keyboard of Champions !
What a bloody silly price! (not in the good way :()

Way too gimmicky for a keyboard, would rather spend that much (and more!) on a GPU :P
Sorry but i will never buy saitek again had a cyborg 7 KB keys wore off too quick despite being promised replacements they never arrived the software was complete cack. Despite having less features then the 7 my razor mech kb is leagues above it for functionality. Looks hidieous will work probably the same and the price lmfao seriously who came up with that price for something that has no mech keys. Only best thing about this was the laugh it gave me.
Give OcUK £249.98 and in return you get the best peripheral EVER!

I tell you what ,you keep you peripheral and I will keep my best ever saving of £249.98
Are they trying to compete with Logitech's G series keyboards for the most overpriced gimmick 'gaming keyboard', if so, they've done well. I wouldn't want that for free.
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