Glad I'm not a northerner

Paa, just undertake them, no problem.

Also, when the Pace car pulls in, will the snake of cars suddenly gun it off?
Could prove quite fun really! :)
This is such a staggeringly stupid and irresponsible scheme that you have to wonder if it isn't some kind of practical joke. These incompetent, and frankly dangerous idiots need removing from any position where they can make such decisions (and preferably removed from the gene pool entirely).

The motorways are by far Britains safest road system. Putting cretins in the third lane to block faster traffic is not only against the highway code, but is simply negligent. This will lead to road rage and the inevitably stupid driving/risk taking that goes with it. I wonder if someone will need to be killed in a accident caused by this gross incompetence before the powers that be understand how utterly flawed this scheme is?
Morba said:
amazing idea, i think it will work excellently.

rofl adz :P

gg freefaller! we need to support ideas like this!

in reality we really do need to support it, because its going to fail, the more backing and public support it has, the bigger fall it will have. the bigger idiot the person who came up with the idea will be. then they will realise that stupid ideas are not the way forward!
Why are people so stupid?

/bashes head repeatedly against a desk until his skull splits

Poor driving causes accidents, not speed.
Cue the barrage of drop-a-cog-undertake-and-go-er's. How they can see this as being safer bewilders me
Oh another good idea. Make the overtaking lanes on the inside and middle lanes, and the regular lane right up by the barrier... that'd be nice and safe and sensible :p
Freefaller said:
Oh another good idea. Make the overtaking lanes on the inside and middle lanes, and the regular lane right up by the barrier... that'd be nice and safe and sensible :p

Heh. Don't tempt them Freefaller. The idiots who are in charge of stuff like that may just decide that's a good idea....
Are they going to calibrate these peoples speedos too. 70mph to one of these geeky pace drivers could well be a real 65mph.

If they were 'pacing' infront me I would be passing them on the left :cool:
Simon said:
If they were 'pacing' infront me I would be passing them on the left :cool:

There's a song about that -

"Pass the government employee on the left hand side"

Someone dig up Musical Youth.
I'm bewildered. As already said, how can anyone consider it to be a sensible idea. All it will do is result in huge numbers of cars storming up behind a queue travelling at a lower speed. Look at mathematics and queue theory and you could result in in places whereby traffic flow will stop completely for periods of time. Mix in the likely number of rear end shunts from people incapable of maintaining a safe braking distance because they're even more wound up than normal and it's not a pretty picture.

Maybe it was dreamed up by the same dozy pratts who wasted £100k on trying to save a whale with no bloody sense of direction. Hadn't they heard of Darwinian evolution. Let the bloody whale die as otherwise you'll have 100s of the bloody things up the Thames. More to the point, £100k in the right Japanese ministers pocket would probably have reduced their "scientific cull" by a larger amount.
JRS said:
Heh. Don't tempt them Freefaller. The idiots who are in charge of stuff like that may just decide that's a good idea....

tbh its not that bad an idea for cars, it would mean more space should you **** up when speeding, your not 2' from a metal barrier then :]
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