Glasto thread!!

shifty_uk said:
I think it might be more to do with the sound settings? Perhaps they should make the singers mic come accross louder than the guitars and drums? I presume that would be possible? The lead guitar that plays the fantastic tunes should be louder than the bass and drums aswell. To me, it just sounds like a big clash of instruments/vocals.

I'm not sure, I saw them on Jonathan Ross where he was much more upfront in the mix and I was even less impressed; he's improved since then certainly but it makes me wonder how much studio trickery there is on the CD.
lemonkettaz said:
Dont think the lineup was that strong at all this glastonbury... Still good viewing nethertheless...

still glad im going to leeds instead

I'm going Leeds too.

My first festival though :o
My first "real" festival too.. been to mini festivals and that with local bands....

But this years leeds is my first real festival, literally cant wait...

p.s. loving petes strat :) the who
Glasto always seemed to be a couple dozen indie bands in a muddy field from the coverage of previous years, tonight i turned over and got a dose of The Who :D

Result :D
all these new indie bands are the result of the late revival after pop took over the 90'S what you got now are a bunch that sound the same to one another. inoffensive, light guitar pop rock.
And what the hell are the BBC on anyway, all you get are constant interruptions where you have to listen to a presenter talking rubbish for 15 minutes.
Just watching mark Ronson and him and his band are putting a great live show on and really look like there injoying themselves. :D
John Foggerty was awesome. About 3 times the age of most other artists and rhymed off (in style) about 3 times as many songs as other artists.

Actually had to be asked to leave the stage lol. What a performance.
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