GOG Galaxy

1 Jun 2014
GOG are releasing their own online gaming client/library manager.

As is normal with Good Old Games, there'll be no DRM involved and just like Steam, there'll be auto-updating (or manual if you prefer), friends lists etc. Apparently cross-play with other systems (eg Steam) will be doable!

Very excited about this, although I can't see many big publishers allowing new titles to be available DRM free.

I like it. It's about time Steam had some proper competition to keep them honest (Origin is not competition). I think I'll fully support them and hope this takes off.
Its going to be interesting to see how this is, we all remember what Steam was like in the early days.

With GOG being much stricter gate keepers on content than Steam these days it will be good to see how it goes for them.
I've only got one game from GoG so I very rarely use them but I'd support this. GoG have a great reputation and library already built up.
I like GOG but do we really need another of these sodding clients?

GOG have some distinct advantages over Steam. With this client their service is getting even better.

If they get this right, then GOG will become my platform of choice, relegating Steam to 2nd place.

So I'm all for it. Origin and UPlay don't really count as you don't typically leave them running in the background, like you do with Steam.
I notice in the video it says using the client is completely optional so I guess you're not forced to use the galaxy client to download or install any of the games :D

Will be interesting to see how it goes
Both Origin and Uplay have managed to look different to steam :confused:

Just pointing out that it looks similar to steams design, even down to the font.

Apart from Origin is exactly the same too, just with games and store reversed.

It's barely a surprise that 3 companies have found out what the best layout is for easy use.
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