GOG Galaxy

Pointless when Steam already does everything I need it to do and more.

This is the attitude why Steam has been going backwards for a while. More and more bloated, customer service as bad as i've ever used and generally more expensive than most places.

Why anyone wants to put all their eggs in one basket which fundamentally they have no control of.
Got an Alpha Invite so decided to download GOG Galaxy.

It's basic at the moment but it has the potential to compete with Steam and that should make for great competition between the two!
just fired this up and yeah not full of bloat like steam which i like, did not realise i had 32 games :p
Got my invite just now, excited to see what it is like when I get home from work :) (hopefully I can actually get my copy of kotor working properly too)
It shows Witcher 2 as having achievements on the client I noticed. Wonder if they are working yet, might have to import my steam game folder and see if they unlock.

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They could certainly do with investing in more bandwidth.

I thought I'd give Witcher 2 another bash, to get me in the mood for the W3 release in a couple of weeks, and as a test of Galaxy too.

It's fluctuating a lot, but an average of 1.5 to 2 MB/s is not great on a 25 GB download, especially when Steam can deliver a constant 8-9 MB/s on my connection.
I'd recommend this client, particularly if you buy the occasional game from gog.com.

I've been using it for about three weeks now, and I'm impressed - it's slick, attractive, has an easy shopping mechanism, sits quietly in the background, and is a perfect compliment to Steam.

There are a lot of deals in the sale at the moment too so it's another money pit :D
Pickup a few games from the sale and got 2 extra free games, also

noticed that some of the games are not installable through the gog client but probably is going to get fixed soon.
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