going abroad to propose to my gf

Right, I can get the dates i wanted to go out, so im going to have to go a week before she does by myself, should i try find a different hotel with the dates i want or just book the same hotel a week before ?
paddyuk said:
Hi. End of march im off to the dominican republic to propose to my gf, cant wait. Just trying to book flights etc now. shes off on hol with her friend and sister and ill be waiting for her there.

sorry had to let it go. im so excited :D

Dont propose until the last night, she might say no, and that would make the rest of the holiday awkward.

its all gone wrong weve split up then she found out everything.

I cant cancel the flights (she doesnt know this) but i can change the hotel or cancel it? what should i do. i would lose £300 if i cancelled the flights.
You look to young to propose anyway, I say go on holiday and bang her mate/sister :p cant lose out on 300 quid
Bloody hell that's harsh! The only good thing is finding out now rather than when you're on one knee in front of her, I suppose.

Well, if the flight money is gone and won't come back, you can either use it or lose it, so treat yourself to a holiday as compensation. You've already arranged the time off work or whatever, right? And definitely change hotels, preferably resorts, even islands if that's a possibility!

As the saying goes - one door closes, another door opens. Go and find that door dude, make new friends, drink strange and exotic cocktails, sample local cooking and take loads of photos. Good luck :)
paddyuk said:

its all gone wrong weve split up then she found out everything.

I cant cancel the flights (she doesnt know this) but i can change the hotel or cancel it? what should i do. i would lose £300 if i cancelled the flights.

Invite someone else, book into the room next to hers, and spend two weeks making with the loud sex. That'll learn her, and if it doesnt, burst in and chuck her off the balcony.
Visage said:
Invite someone else, book into the room next to hers, and spend two weeks making with the loud sex. That'll learn her, and if it doesnt, burst in and chuck her off the balcony.
And . . . ?

Aren't you forgetting something?
Only now have I decided to see how old you are on your profile... I know I'll get flamed for this but you are way too young to be getting married.

Things cant have been going too well if youve broken up, so take this as a lesson learnt :)

And go anyway! You'll have loads of fun! :D
SexyBetty said:
OI know I'll get flamed for this but you are way too young to be getting married.
Your profile would suggest that you are way too young to be saying you are way too young to be getting married. ;)

Age is relative - I know folks that waited to their thirties, then split, and others that married in their late teens and are still together.
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Borris said:
Your profile would suggest that you are way too young to be saying you are way too young to be getting married. ;)

That doesnt mean I dont know what I'm talking about :)

And I'm a whole year older than I was yesterday anyway ;)
paddyuk said:

its all gone wrong weve split up then she found out everything.

I cant cancel the flights (she doesnt know this) but i can change the hotel or cancel it? what should i do. i would lose £300 if i cancelled the flights.

how did that happen if you got on well enough to consider marriage?
and what happened when she found out about the surprise you had for her?

change hotel and go somewhere far away from theirs. p.s bang her sister and friend, preferably at the same time ;)
chopchop said:
how did that happen if you got on well enough to consider marriage?
and what happened when she found out about the surprise you had for her?

change hotel and go somewhere far away from theirs. p.s bang her sister and friend, preferably at the same time ;)
Fly on to Cuba for a week?

Apparently that Froggy parachuter (;)) thinks quite highly of it! :D
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