Going clubbing alone?

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I vote whoever is local goes and buys this lad a drink for his birthday. Shocking that none of his mates have come out with him.

Ive never gone clubbing on my own but, i do often with just one mate. If either one nips off to the loo, we always find that the other ends up chatting up 2 birds, then once we're in, the loo-buddy returns and voila - pulled.

Its a bit odd but works, so maybe u can find one urself! :P
Goatyman said:
Ive never gone clubbing on my own but, i do often with just one mate. If either one nips off to the loo, we always find that the other ends up chatting up 2 birds, then once we're in, the loo-buddy returns and voila - pulled.

Its a bit odd but works, so maybe u can find one urself! :P

Iceman: You can be my wingman any time.
Maverick: B S ! You can be mine.
Dude, get hold of your mates you don't abandon your friend on their birthday for a girl - it just isn't done.

If it comes to it mate, stay in rather than go out on your own as it'll only lead to depressive feelings and you'll stick out like a sore thumb.


Forgot to mention: Happy Birthday :D
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Happy Birthday!

Can you not arrange with your mates to go out another time to celebrate your birthday?

It they can't make the effort to go out and celebrate your birthday at all then I wouldn't really call them mates.
I always go out with my mates.... but i get mortal and stomp around on my own anyway. they know that its not the best idea to just head out with me alone cos im a drunken wanderer :D

give it a go, u will probably see people u know, just say you were with your mates but you seem to have lost them :D

i act like a right sausage but i dont care.

party on wayne!

Go out ... tell all the girls its your birthday and belive me you will get the face snogged of ya

I tell em it my birthday every week ....works for me :D
Have a Happy Birthday x :)

I would be really be pretty upset if non of my friends could spare me a little time on my Birthday
Chronicle said:
Seriously though, if you went to a club by yourself...what the **** would you do lol? Just stand around for a while or something :confused:

I've done it before....was on my own for about 3 hours till I found the people I was supposed to be inside...still had a good time on my own!
I tried going out clubbing by myself and every insecurity reared its ugly head. I absolutely hated it- I was so self-conscious, nobody spoke 2 me for 4 or so hours etc. It really can be the wrong thing 2 do :) Obviously this was when I was in my teens.
Don't worry mate this happens to pretty much everybody as they get older, people pair up and go on their ways. Personally i'd never go out clubbing by myself as it just feels a little sad, and I hate talking to strangers in clubs also. Gotta have atleast 3 to go out properly too imho.
TBH i'd phone your mates and ask them to come out for your birthday, if they won't then i'd give them a proper mouthful.
well i just got back

i was walking around Leicester square for around 2 hours looking for a nice bar or some other place i could go alone but couldn't really find anywhere
i must have looked like a right prat just walking around like that

i swear my so called "friends" will pay for this

they don't know I'm angry

so they wont expect it but belive me they will PAY :mad:

i cant belive they would abandon me for some pieces of skirt
Shocking to be honest mate. With me and my mates it tends to be girls come and go, mates forever type thing even though they are all practically with 'the ones'.

I'd let them know how dissapointed you are at them and guage there reaction.
Maybe I;m missing something. You do know that you can still go out with mates, even if they are no longer single. And the great thing about them bringing their girlfriends out is that they normally bring girlie mates along too.
all my mates are always out with their GF's now. Ive never had one but i prefer my own company anyway.

Have a good birthday anyway whatever you deciede to do :)
Dude, I'm so sorry to here that. I know what it is like to wonder around in a city late at night (done it once my self, just not London).

You may feel like a pratt but that is your mind telling you that you are one coz you wondered around, no-one would have noticed you wondering around (I hope this doesn't make things worst, because I'm trying to make things better - if you catch my drift.)

If I was more local to London then I would have bought you a pint instead of you spending a lonely night out.
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