The new ones have a 'warmth adjustment' which also attracts me to the Oasis. I use the Kindle app on my phone and always have it set to the lighter brown background rather than white.
The new kindles all have the same warm light and all the features of the oasis. The only thing the oasis gives you is the extra buttons now.
Which is why I just bought the new kindle signature edition for £150 in the sales rather than pay £225 for the oasis. Just wasnt worth the extra £75 for 2 buttons
Both have 32Gb and the oasis has 25 backlights vs 17 on the paperwhite but 17 is a massive step up from the old kindles anyway.
If the oasis had been on sale and perhaps £20 more then I might have bitten.
Even the normal paperwhite which was on sale at £105 is a step up from past generations.
It has double the memory at 8gb and 17 LEDS and the warm light but no auto adjusting light sensors. Old generations of paperwhite only have 4 LEDS from memory.
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