Going OTT now?

phill9800 said:
Just never had the problems people on here keep telling me about... Not to worry, until something does happen, then I'll change or start worrying ;) :D

While they are notoriously unreliable, theyre no so unreliable that EVERYONE will have a duffer lol.

Still, after having first hand experience I am staying well clear :D

Hitachi Deskstars, Seagate Barracudas, Western Digital Caviars or Samsung Spinpoints.

All very good, reliable brands :)

Personal faves are Seagate and Hitachi.

phill9800 said:
I keep backups of all my data, but having so many MP3's is a slight problem... Maybe I might try another drive this time?

What model would you recommend for space/price?

Either Samsung Spinpoint, Hitachi Deskstar or Western Digital Caviar. All very reliable and have their individual good points....

Hitachi - most reliable & fast
Samsung - V reliable & quiet
WD - V reliable & 16mb cache on 250gb or above

Seagates are okay IME, tend to be a little noisy though
I always go Seagate for HDDs - always thought they were the most reliable brand though I suppose that's debatable. They are definately the quietist though and they have the best warranty.
Dunno about being the quietest... heard a fair few chugging away like a steam train. Doesn't overly concern me tho since I usually have my music on at ASBO volumes :D

atheus said:
I always go Seagate for HDDs - always thought they were the most reliable brand though I suppose that's debatable. They are definately the quietist though and they have the best warranty.
They're one of the loudest, but they do have a larger warranty than the others. But just to be cynical it could just mean that you can RMA it for longer!

Nothing necessarily wrong with them though, but personally I think going for a Hitachi or samsung would be the better option.
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