Going to uni later on in life...

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Not really later on in life. But I'm currently 21, HATE my job to the skin of my teeth but have stuck at it for 9 months... But I want more out of my life (is that such a bad thing?).

So, I want to go to uni, I don't have any savings built up and don't earn that much money (17k) so can't really save up much.

I would have loved to get into web design but have no idea how to so thats out of the picture, I don't want to get into IT as it's what I have been doing since 16... I actually have no idea what I want to do :(

My qualifications are not great, I was always a worker rather than studying. I have 2 GNVQ's math level 3 and english level 2. along with a handful of GCSE's. If you are thinking about writing a reply to mock/slate my qualifications, don't bother as I know I should have done better.

So, what options do I have?

Foundation years are great for people who didn't do A-level equivalent, or did them in different subjects. I'm not sure w3hat GNVQs are worth, but you should be fine applying - maybo not to one of the red bricks, but a decent poly, certainly. The biggest shock is gonna be living standards - even with max loan, you'll be stretched. Since you've been independent for over 3 years, means-testing will not take your parents into the equation at all, which means a better chance for more money, but I don't know how it works out with you leaving your job to go to uni. Do it.
not sure if you'd qualify as a mature student, as qualifications don't really matter for mature students :/ but i'd say get onto UCAS and ask.

go for it, nothing wrong with bettering yourself :)
Cheers guys, I am glad I'm not the only one that thinks taking this slight risk is a good move trying to improve my situation in life :)

Who wants to be grumpy 9-5 every day of every week of every month? no one, I'm too big for life to live by that :D

exactly, i'm 22, finished uni last year, and looking at going back myself >.> the real world sucks <.< hehe

what would you be doing? any idea where you'd want to go?
lol you guys that are in your early twenties and stressing out about it.. I'm 35, and am part way through a degree in History. It's never too old! Admittedly I am doing mine through the open uni, but it's still a full-time course.
There are all sorts of options open to you. Try doing a little research, Web Design certainly isn't a closed door, a lot of IT degrees will start at a very basic level but move forwards very quickly, with some hard work in the first year and plenty of self study, you could be as good as anybody.

My advice would be to call a few universities, explain your situation and see what they suggest. There are loads of different HE Access courses available. The college I work at offers several on an evening, all offering routes into HE. Get in contact with your local colleges and see what they have to offer, speak to the careers advisor's there as well and see what they have to say.

In all honesty, getting into HE isn't difficult if you are prepared to work, and show commitment. It's funding your journey through it that's the biggest struggle.

Edit: believe me, when you get to uni, you will not feel old..... there a mature students a plenty !
lol you guys that are in your early twenties and stressing out about it.. I'm 35, and am part way through a degree in History. It's never too old! Admittedly I am doing mine through the open uni, but it's still a full-time course.

indeed, on my course, there was a guy who was mid 50s, a friend of mine is 23 and doing a PGCE after 2 years of working, so there's no better time than the present
You really need to think hard about what you want to do before starting anything. Uni is not the dream ticket that the government would have you believe - there are a lot of unemployed graduates out there.

Still, good luck with whatever you choose :)
Yea, I need to decide on what I want to do first, just thought I would ask and see if the choice towards uni was a mistake.

I have payments of roughly £200 a month... So will need to find a part time job or I will be royally stuffed!

I know I'm still oh so very young (don't bloody look it though! lol, often mistaken to be 30 odd... smoking and drinking is not good kids). But being 21 and having dropped out of college with only the 2 GNVQ's under my belt, is it a feasible option to go to uni?


p.s. my 78 year old gran still goes to uni every year as she loves learning new things, keeps her busy in retirement lol
Well, just took a personality test which gives you the best matches to careers for you lol... A stockbroker? Me? A stockbroker? HA. I'm awful with my money!

Reading into a stockbrokers daily life, seems bloody awsome! I might have a deeper look into the role and see what uni degrees are abouts that might help with it :D

No guarantee you will get anymore than what your currently on when you come out of University. Though hopefully things will be better 3 years down the line. I guess if you really hate your job and you don't see it getting you anywhere in life then it could be a good move.

Its hard as there is no right answer and nothing is gauranteed. What is it that you do now out of interest?
go to uni, and live in halls for year 1.

there's tons of courses you could get onto now (starting this year)

get your butt in gear and go enjoy yourself :)

you'll kick yourself if you don't
You'll get plenty of financial help if you're only on £17k...grants of up to £3000 a year (which will at least pay fees), possibly more than just the basic if you have children. So research it further.
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