Golden Eye Source ocuk players???

Well, there was only 3 servers and only one with people on. :(

It was laggy, think i seen you on for a second LeJosh?

Brought back the memories, complex was the best level.

EDIT: Found more servers by unchecking show maplist, got a good game on facility. Will up some screens to hight res thread when photobucket finishes uploading.
For tonight if I'm on my Steam ID is LeJosh . Which I stupidly realised I should've put in my own thread but thought I could just get away with my 'nickname' harhar.
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wow i totally forgot about this too..

Played it to death in facility and the Aztec map (moonraker)

Obviously its not really anything like the N64 version - the awkwardness of the controllers and the analogue aiming, but as far as looks go its spot on.

Great HL2 mod

also check out "insurgency" BF2 meets HL2, Infantry only, and very good.
Just had a quick blast. Seemed to die a lot more than I used too... More practice needed. wouldn't mind playing with some OcUK chaps. The other 3 players were a trifle anoying to say the least *adjusts monocle*. Could someone tell me what 'Hey n00b, ure gonna get pwned!' means ;)

My steam name is: northun_munky

Yeah, i've not been on for awhile, i'm due a new pc soon so will have to get back into it. Could you run faster on the n64 somehow. The game was great.
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