Have been looking at the Travagan headphone amps lately (came across their site due to them having a sponsor link at the top of the head-fi homepage), and it looks like they are good value for money in comparison to other desktop units. The 'red' unit works out at about £95 including shipping (they claim it's free postage on the main page...), and besides driving headphones it also has connections on the back for a small set of speakers. I'll put link below, don't think they'd be classed as a competitor in any way?:
Only downside is the company is based in Taiwan... which is the main offputting factor, if only due to the potential customs charges slapped on top aswell. Don't suppose anyone knows more about these units? Definitely on my 'considering' list at the moment. Anyway, sorry to change the original thread subject
Only downside is the company is based in Taiwan... which is the main offputting factor, if only due to the potential customs charges slapped on top aswell. Don't suppose anyone knows more about these units? Definitely on my 'considering' list at the moment. Anyway, sorry to change the original thread subject