Goldring RS150 - £70 a good price?

Have been looking at the Travagan headphone amps lately (came across their site due to them having a sponsor link at the top of the head-fi homepage), and it looks like they are good value for money in comparison to other desktop units. The 'red' unit works out at about £95 including shipping (they claim it's free postage on the main page...), and besides driving headphones it also has connections on the back for a small set of speakers. I'll put link below, don't think they'd be classed as a competitor in any way?:

Only downside is the company is based in Taiwan... which is the main offputting factor, if only due to the potential customs charges slapped on top aswell. Don't suppose anyone knows more about these units? Definitely on my 'considering' list at the moment. Anyway, sorry to change the original thread subject :)
H2F, why wouldn't you bother anymore? You clearly make out that once you found a decent one, it was worthwhile.

C64? Not that I'm trying to provoke you here, but you've put him on ignore because you don't agree with him? Your choice but seems a little OTT mate.

BTW... C64 does say about unamped, whilst JM seems to keep stating about his are amped. Can You clarify JM whether you have compared the 650's unamped with the 150's unamped? (regardless of whether they are designed to be amped or not). As this it the whole point of the pettyness that is evident in this thread.

H2F, why wouldn't you bother anymore? You clearly make out that once you found a decent one, it was worthwhile.

C64? Not that I'm trying to provoke you here, but you've put him on ignore because you don't agree with him? Your choice but seems a little OTT mate.

BTW... C64 does say about unamped, whilst JM seems to keep stating about his are amped. Can You clarify JM whether you have compared the 650's unamped with the 150's unamped? (regardless of whether they are designed to be amped or not). As this it the whole point of the pettyness that is evident in this thread.


Because the quality improvement wasn't enough for me to get another portable amp. The Mini^3 is regarded as one of the best under $300 as far as portable amps go. I'm going to stick with desktop amps, they bring a real improvement.
Looks interesting. Instead of embarrising myself on head-fi, what is a DAC :S?

Im after a headphone amp mainly for desktop but with poiisbility of connecting it via usb to my macbook.

What do people suggest?
People are suggesting the Graham Slee solo but that doesnt appear to have a usb port. There was a G & W something or other that was an amp/dac that got good reviews, worked out at £75 ish delivered i think.

Someone else is also suggesting the darkvoice 336i from ebay, its £150. Which is the top end of my budget & im scared to order something from china on ebay.
BTW... C64 does say about unamped, whilst JM seems to keep stating about his are amped. Can You clarify JM whether you have compared the 650's unamped with the 150's unamped? (regardless of whether they are designed to be amped or not). As this it the whole point of the pettyness that is evident in this thread.


c64 lol. c64 is unrealistic with his views especially in light of what he has and hasnt actually listened to. all this 'i guarantee the dr150's are better than your hd650's' rubbish is irrelevant and he's strangely alone in that opinion isnt he and besides as i said - it only takes a cheap headphone amp to improve on the output of my xonar d2. the difference is immediately apparent.. Anyway, this 'discussion' was about the dr150's and the hd555's. hd555's are NOT 300ohm cans built with amping in mind, they are 50ohm which any soundcard should be more than capable of driving so that amped/unamped nonsense needs to stay out of the thread.

i do believe i said i havent listened to a pair of dr150's yet. this is why i can only go on the opinions of people who have heard them AND other headphones amped or not and are capable of reaching an informed, uninfluenced decision. c64 isnt one of those people. I asked him back in post #7 whhy he preferred the dr150's over the hd555's but he never bothered answering.
c64 said:
Can I ask what headphones you have owned then ? or have you just owned sennheiser hd555's?
People own one headphone the sennheiser hd555 and then go around recommending them when it's the only decent can they've ever owned hardly in a position to comment really.
I am just recommending the goldrings as an alternate from my point of view of having owned grados and sennheisers and not buying senn hd555 and claiming they are the best in this price range having never owned or even heard anything else like most seem to do on here.

what he didnt mention was that he's never tried the hd555's. the senns that he owned were hd201s which have nothing in common with the 555's other than being a pair of cans. 201's are £15 closed cans. its like somebody telling you to stay away from sony earphones because the ex71's are awful even though they'd never tried the ex081/85 or 90's (being some of the best earphones around for <£150)
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Actually I have had a pair of hd555 and hd595 which I sent back under the DSR.So stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
And furthermore having spoken to someone who owns senn hd600 and senn hd 650's they say that unamped the goldrings are better than both especially on an mp3 player or off a soundcard.
so thats hd555, hd595 and hd600's that you've had and all sent back under dsr. thats far fetched but ok. you can answer post number 7 then surely instead of accusing me of lying about what i own LOL.

also, one other question: when did you get the 555's? was it before or after you got the dr150's? you were already singing the praises of the 150's before you bought them, even saying back then that they are better than hd650's. but what puzzles me, is that i remember you saying you ordered the hd555's but they were out of stock, so you got the grado sr60's (?) instead. never once did you try explaining why the dr150's were better or indeed mention even trying them until today. im pretty sure you wouldnt have even bothered with the 55's after you got the dr150's. so hmmm... puzzling that!
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I don't need to and there's really no point anymore because you are determined to pick holes in anything I say.
I have had 7 headphones in my hands since my hd201 555 595
grado sr60 allesandro ms1 goldring dr150 mylarone crossroads x3i ath-ad500's i have kept the goldring dr150 and the mylarone's.
Guys can we not fight. We should be pleased for each others, as there all great headphones.

From what I've read sound is very subjective, some prefer Goldrings, Senn, AKG, Audio Techinca. the list goes on and on.......

Make love not arguments on forums.

Back on track, gonna try these goldrings after work.
I don't need to and there's really no point anymore because you are determined to pick holes in anything I say.
I have had 7 headphones in my hands since my hd201 555 595
grado sr60 allesandro ms1 goldring dr150 mylarone crossroads x3i ath-ad500's i have kept the goldring dr150 and the mylarone's.

i asked you an honest to god simple question and you turned it in to this argument, remember that. you could have just answered why you prefer them other the 555's especially seeming as you have owned both but you didnt and still havent. so im sorry, but your about as believable as the loch ness monster right now.

Oxy said:
Guys can we not fight. We should be pleased for each others, as there all great headphones.

From what I've read sound is very subjective, some prefer Goldrings, Senn, AKG, Audio Techinca. the list goes on and on.......

Make love not arguments on forums.

Back on track, gonna try these goldrings after work.

dont worry! hopefully ill stay on that ignore list now. i have no problem with stating what i have and havent tried. im not going to make things to further my own argument and if you look back at my posts ive said its subjective from the very beginning. people cant take what they can so easily give out, evidently.

C64 if you do wish to say anything else to me, my email is in my trust. fire away:)
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i asked you an honest to god simple question and you turned it in to this argument, remember that. you could have just answered why you prefer them other the 555's especially seeming as you have owned both but you didnt and still havent. so im sorry, but your about as believable as the loch ness monster right now.

i give up lol
Some of the erm.. "best" arguments my wife and I have had, have started from something like this lol.

Don't the X-fi (based) cards have amped outputs though that are good enough for headphones?

what headphones u powering them off m8?

See my signature. ;)

Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro (80 ohm) and, more recently, Future Sonics Atrio M5. I bought the device mainly to be used as an external DAC since the sound card on my laptop was on its last legs, and as an amplifier secondary. I'm not so much clued up on this now as I was, but I think I remember reading in a review or 2 that the Corda Move was a better amplifier than the iBasso D1 (if I recall correctly), but the latter was a better DAC.

By the way if you're still wondering, a DAC is a Digital to Analogue Converter, they work basically like a sound card. You connect them to your digital source, via USB for example, then they output an analogue signal.
See my signature. ;)

Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro (80 ohm) and, more recently, Future Sonics Atrio M5. I bought the device mainly to be used as an external DAC since the sound card on my laptop was on its last legs, and as an amplifier secondary. I'm not so much clued up on this now as I was, but I think I remember reading in a review or 2 that the Corda Move was a better amplifier than the iBasso D1 (if I recall correctly), but the latter was a better DAC.

By the way if you're still wondering, a DAC is a Digital to Analogue Converter, they work basically like a sound card. You connect them to your digital source, via USB for example, then they output an analogue signal.

ok thanks, that explains a lot. So I only need a DAC/amp combo unit if I decide to plug into my macbook?
ok thanks, that explains a lot. So I only need a DAC/amp combo unit if I decide to plug into my macbook?

Yes, pretty much. It depends on the quality of your source, really. If I were to amp my laptop's sound card's headphone-out, since it's already terrible, it will be made even worse. I'm using the DAC to give me a nice, clean signal which is then amplified by the unit.
Yes, pretty much. It depends on the quality of your source, really. If I were to amp my laptop's sound card's headphone-out, since it's already terrible, it will be made even worse. I'm using the DAC to give me a nice, clean signal which is then amplified by the unit.

So im getting the ASUS Xonar D2 sound card so that along with my macbook is the source.

Given I am looking at AKG k601's what amp/DAC combo do people suggest? I'll have to read up on the "meier" it might be my best option, dont fancy going outside EU from Ebay or USA shops
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