and for the love of god how do you create a RAID 5 on FreeNAS 8 RC2 ?????
I created datastores on my remaining 3 HDDs , imported into the VM - the FreeNAS VM
Now FreeNAS can see them but how do you imlement RAID5??
I managed to create volumes on the 3 disks imported to the FreeNAs VM...but I don't see an option for RAID5...
The tutorials I've seen on the internet must be from very old versions as the interface doesn't look anywere near that:
Is there something I need to install on top of the FreeNAS image? I saw a web GUI .iso ont their download list...
There was talk of importing RAW into FreeNAS but I think i have to mess with ESXi to get that working (RAW is grayed out curretly in ESXi)
Everyone is saying that FeeNAS is easy...really? It doesn't look like it, and the lack of tutorials and documentation is very annoying...
Any info will be much apreciated!
I'm giving up for tonight