Oops posted in the other thread.... why is there 2 threads...
I did some setup on my microserver over the holiday period, and thought i'd share for everyone elses benefit.
Hardware purchased and all working fine:-
2 x Corsair Value 2GB PC10666
4 x Samsung Spinpoint F4 Ecogreen 2tb disks
1 x Pioneer 24x Internal S19LBK DVDRW
(Dont forget you need a molex>sata power adapter and a 45cm SATA cable. Anything less than 45cm wont fit)
I've been messing about ubuntu desktop/server 10.10 and couldnt get either of them working as I wanted with software RAID (mdRAID/LVM arrrrrgghhh) etc so ended up running to mamma and installing win7 home premium 64bit which works like a charm.
I've got the following partitions, which seems to be OK for now.
Disk0 - 100mb System
Disk0 - 500Gb OS
Disk0 - 1.2tb BACKUP with compresion ON
Disk 1 - 2tb DATA in Stripe set
Disk 2 - 2tb DATA in Stripe set
Disk 3 - 2tb DATA in Stripe set
I've got my folders arranged as follows on the DATA volume (5.7tb IIRC)
/Music (shared)
/Photos (shared)
/Movies (shared)
/Kids Movies (shared)
/Recently Downloaded (shared)
In terms of software i'm using the following:
AirVideo - For Ipad/Iphone streaming on LAN and Internet. It is configured against all those folders above.
AnyDVD - For making DVD backups from my collection.
TwonkyServer - For streaming music to my Pure Avanti Flow radio downstairs
MS SyncToy - For doing backups between the data drive and the backup volume. Also intend using this to do the same to an external HDD for critical stuff (photos/music)
Logmein/utorrent etc
In terms of TV streaming I use Zotac Zbox running XBMC Live which works great on the latest revision.
Pretty happy so far.