Can you PM me a link to where?
HP sell it direct for the price he is mentioning. Took me 2 secs to google that.
Can you PM me a link to where?
Question for the guys who just bought a gen8.
Are there still fan speed/noise issues with none HP disks installed?
I would say yes, although not tried for a while. I have 4x 4TB WD Reds with and without a P222 it makes a right racketShame as no reason for it except dodgy firmware.
Can the gen 8 boot from the 5th internal sata ports?
Not directly no. You can however put boot loader onto the internal microSD or USB ports and redirect. There are instructions here:
Not directly no. You can however put boot loader onto the internal microSD or USB ports and redirect. There are instructions here:
Browsed through the homeservershow forums, which is excellent for Microserver questions. From what I understand you can boot from the ODD port without needing the microsd/usb workaround if:
1. Set IDE mode to RAID.
2. Configure individual drives as RAID0.
Again I've not tried it and my server is already running far to many services to play with it, but might be useful to someone setting up a new box.
how much was 1230v2?
£110 shipped.
EDIT: I should point out it's a used CPU but I'm not that bothered as long as it works.