To the guys with the Gen8s, are you getting major fan noise when using standard drives, i.e, not HP branded ones?
Thank you for in depth answer, much appreciated. One question, and please excuse my ignorance, is this running FreeNAS as a VM or NAS4Free? Or letting the onboard HP RAID controller doing it and using those virtual disks as RDMs in vSphere?Something I've considered doing.
Your ESXi normally would be running off a USB stick. Your NAS can run off drives installed into the server. I know you can mount an additional datastore in ESX using NFS. So if your NAS can be presenting as much or as little storage as you like as an NFS share in theory you can build VMs stored there.
Autobooting your VMs, you'd need to make sure the NAS VM is booted first and with sufficient delay before any of the other VMs.
Be aware if you lose your NAS, all your other VMs will go up in smoke too. But I did test taking the virtual disks, attaching them to a fresh install of ESX, installing NAS4FREE and it reimported my ZFS volumes without breaking a sweat.
I don't know if ESX would try and connect to the NFS mount beforehand. Maybe you could remount it after the NAS VM has booted - with a command-line or Cron job maybe.
As for the resilience / RAID options. I have ZFS running on my NAS. I just stick 3 plain Virtual Disks into the NAS, and let it do the redundancy.
When I wanted to upgrade the drives from 1TBs to 4TBs, I powered off the VM, added each one new disk, copied the Virtual Disk image across, and repeated until all three were done.
Editted the VM, adding and removing the Virtual disks / datastores as necessary. Each one was also extended once created on the new disks.
Took a bit of faffing about, but the NAS moved across without knowing the hardware had changed.
A few ZFS commands later, and it then set about resizing the array to use the extra disk space. So you could have RAID equivalent redundancy the same way.
Hi guys
Thinking of installing windows 8 on my N54L as well as using the Hyper V console if i decide to run any VM's. I was just curious to know if windows 8 will install ok? I have been reading that 8.1 would require the modded bios to work but i though if i install windows 8 and then just upgrade to 8.1 via the store would that work?
4th week of using my Gen8, running Ubuntu Server 14.04.01 with two WD REDs. Tend to see fan speeds of between 7% and 13% with the BIOS set to ACHI (latest BIOS and firmware). The machine is louder than I would like, particularly the small delta fan in the PSU which has an irratating pitch. However the noise levels are something I've been able to live with.
On my Gen7 the PSU fan had a whine which disappeared over time.
Well my N54L has done something odd today, when I got home tonight I found that when I tried to access the network share it was empty. A quick bit of investigation and the Linux install couldn't detect any of the storage drives, but the OS drive is fine. The storage drives aren't even detected in the BIOS, so I'm not sure what is going on seeing as it was all fine last night.
Going to have to spend the weekend seeing if I can get it all working again, and to make sure it's not borked all my data.