I've had a bit of a weird revelation about which OS to run..
I have 2 Microservers, (One for a 24/7 server in the house, the other as a file backup for critical data)..
So I started with FreeNAS as the main OS.. and as a lightweight simple file server, it actually seemed ok..
Just for something to do, I installed OpenFiler, then WHS, then WS2008 R2 (MSDN Subscribers rejoice!), just seeing how much a more bloated OS would affect things..
Now, I wasn't expecting this, but WS2008R2 actually seems to be better all-round.
Power Consumption
With FreeNAS set to run the power daemon, things are equalish, both idle around 28w with 1 HDD in (add 1w per spun down HDD on top of that), the issue is if I install any 'extensions' to freenas (SAB/PS3 Media server, etc) it has to merge part of a HDD with the RAMdisk OS (Embedded install), or you need to install FreeNAS to a HDD as a full installation, either way it won't spin the OS HDD down, even when I don't run any of the added programs, and consumption jumps to 34W.
In win2008R2, on 'idle' it's 28W even though the OS is installed to the HDD, provided none of the added apps access it of course...
SMB Performance
Again, I get better single disk read/write SMB speeds in WS2008, possibly due to the client machines being Windows 7 and no doubt it may be it's then using SMB2/2.1 which is supposed to be better.. FreeNAS isn't bad, but it's about 20% slower for a single large file access..
CPU Performance/Loading
I wasn't expecting this, but comparing like for like (Rrunning SAB, downloading at the max line rate whilst transferring a large file), I did not expect WS2008 to be no worse then FreeNAS, it consumes <20% CPU for SAB going flat out, and transferring a file at 80MB/s from it sees it hovering around 50% CPU.. This is almost the same for FreeNAS, maybe even slightly higher.
That's with just the default 1Gb/250Gb box as it came..
Perhaps in this 'simple' usage mode it might stack up this way, if I started adding more services/roles/features to each (Especially software RAID), then perhaps the *nix OS's would start pulling ahead, or is it just cost that is the most obvious turn off for WS2008 in a home environment, and is WHSv2 as lightweight?