Good Cheap Server - HP Proliant Microserver 4 BAY - OWNERS THREAD

Love actually using the Gen8. Spent the last week or so ripping dvds. Usually about 60 a day. Now have 362 movies on there. My American Dad collection and the o/h Ally McBeal and 2 Broke Girls (crude and funny) hitting about 80% used space. Going to need to get a couple of 5tb+ drives and then replace the 3tb drives with more 5tb+ as i've still got a lot of tv programs to rip. Not sure if i'll add my blu ray collection as that pretty much matches my dvds.

Do you rip as ISO or episodes? I find the track selection (on BR) and episode renaming takes the longest! 60 a day is good work.
Love actually using the Gen8. Spent the last week or so ripping dvds. Usually about 60 a day. Now have 362 movies on there. My American Dad collection and the o/h Ally McBeal and 2 Broke Girls (crude and funny) hitting about 80% used space. Going to need to get a couple of 5tb+ drives and then replace the 3tb drives with more 5tb+ as i've still got a lot of tv programs to rip. Not sure if i'll add my blu ray collection as that pretty much matches my dvds.

What array setup do you have?
I use MakeMKV and take each episode. Not bothering with compresson as i was losing soo much quality even though it's 'only' DVD.

I'm using the SHR in synology. VM image is held on an SSD and the the stoare drives are mounted using RDM.
It seems my N54L is slowly grinding to a halt :-/. As of late it's miserably struggling to play any 1080p content, which its never had a problem with till now.

It's only running Win10 on it. VLC just chops and stutters any big content, I've tried other players/codecs etc. All hardware tests come back fine and even running off the ssd instead of raid'd WD Red's doesn't make a difference.

Just completely maxes the cpu :(. Probably going to wipe it and reinstall win10 to see if that helps at all.

Anyone else having problems like this lately? Are my efforts futile?

How does the gen8 cope?

Hey mate, I'm having the exact same problem, how did you get on with the reset?
Had my new Gen8 delivered yesterday,updated ILO etc
BUT some muppet at the factory fitted phillips screws in the hdd caddys instead of the torx ones that the supplied tool fits :( lol
Fan should not be that loud my new one runs at around 10% at idle and my other one loaded with disks is at 12%
It is quiet during boot, but right now, the server is idle and it has really ramped up.

Heard of that before. Just checked it on a HP forum and it say's

"This works as designed. While B120i/B320i is in use, HP’s driver provides storage thermal info to iLO and it controls the fan speed precisely. However if B120i/B320i is disabled, driver from Operation System or chipset manufacturer is used and these drivers do not update iLO with thermal information. Therefore, iLO will use the backup thermal solution to set the fan speed at a safe speed which results higher fan speed and noise level."

Are you using the raid card?
I have an SSD connected to the B120i and 4 HDD's connected via a PCI Raid Card.

It is silent now, running Server 2012r2.

I have changed nothing though, oh well. :D
I have a similar setup running WHS2011 and it howls for a couple of minutes then becomes quiet once the OS loads. Do you have the B120i in AHCI mode?
Got my Microserver yesterday. Spent the evening installing Centos 7 to boot from a USB stick from the internal slot. Chucked four 2TB WD Red drives into it in a software RAID 5.

It's running Plex now, a nice upgrade over the Raspberry Pi Plex server with a 2TB USB attached disk. Looks like the Pi will become the new backup server maybe.
Got my Microserver yesterday. Spent the evening installing Centos 7 to boot from a USB stick from the internal slot. Chucked four 2TB WD Red drives into it in a software RAID 5.

It's running Plex now, a nice upgrade over the Raspberry Pi Plex server with a 2TB USB attached disk. Looks like the Pi will become the new backup server maybe.

Take care with using such large disks in RAID5, since you have more chance of a failed rebuild as the size increases. This is worse on hardware controllers that can sometimes give up entirely as soon as it fails to read from another drive, software tends to carry on leaving you with most the data plus some unrecoverable parts.

I'm guessing you're using md(adm) and honestly I don't know how it handles this.
Well ive had my Gen8 G1610T MicroServer in its box for over a year now :(

how is it looking these days?

Really want to get the Xpenology setup and have it automated to backblaze.

have 0 drives for it too :( W&D RED still the way to go?

have been half tempted to sell the case and get a synology but thats £500 for a 4 bay!
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This. I'd recommend using a non-parity RAID or at the very least RAID 6 with anything over 1TB disks.

I've currently got less than 1TB of data stored so it's not like I need the extra space affforded by the RAID 5. What do you think about RAID 10 vs RAID 6? Bear in mind that I'll be running an overnight rsync to backup differences to another 2TB disk on another system, so any loss of data can be recovered from backup anyway.
My preference is always RAID 10 unless there's a good reason otherwise. You've only got the 4 bays, but you do already have the 4 disks so budget is not relevant, but storage capacity may be. You've got under 1TB at present, but how is that likely to change over the life of the disks/device? Having said that, over 4 disks RAID 6 and 10 give the same capacity , so you're down to performance and how many drives you can lose before the array is toast. 10 eats 6 for breakfast performance wise, but 6 can handle 2 disk failures. 10 can handle at least 1 - if another one fails from the same pair it's toast, if one fails from the other pair you've got RAID 0 :)

So - performance or potential reliability is the decision.
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