Good Cheap Server - HP Proliant Microserver 4 BAY - OWNERS THREAD

Current cashback promo is available until April 31st & you can still buy it for £179.99 new. Just google it and you will find a supplier... can't link here due to competitor rules.
There is a place online that was selling for £190 with 16Gb RAM and £55 cashback, now showing out of stock tho :(
KVR1333D3E9SK2/16G RAM That's the ram I've used in both. It's a little slower than the stock Gen8 ram but heh.
I've had the microserver (N54L as shipped) sitting with WS2012 for a while, used it as a torrent box but as of late I've not downloaded any torrents in about 6 months (must be running out of linux distros)... it also runs horribly with 2GB of RAM on WS2012.

As such I'm considering using it as more of a file share/backup storage location...

I've got plenty of 1TB drives about and don't think I would need a considerable amount of space..

My data is currently backed up to an internal hard drive (only really backed up in the event of my SSD failing) this is done with Acronis TrueImage.

Any suggestions on OS etc?
So, if i install Drivepool on Windows 2012r2.

When I install the drive into the back bay. Do I just set it up as RAID 0 and a single logical disc?

Then add it to drivepool?
Think I'm going to spring for the 16GB memory this month for the microserver, I'm starting to build some KVM based virtual machines. My concern is that the more load I add to it, the greater the cooling requirement so the fan at higher rpms will become something of a "relationship test" with the good lady wife.

Perhaps I'll need to see about shifting it out into the garage and try it on some homeplugs.
I've been trying to get homeplugs sorted so I can hide mine in the basement in this new place... unfortunately I can't run a dedicated ethernet cable to the basement like I was able to in the last place.

When I was testing the homeplugs on a power network with nearly nothing plugged in... I was able to get 100mbit throughput to the basement... yey! I thought... it's gonna work!

Now that there are things connected to the power... best I can do is a variable 45-55mbit and it's not fast enough to stream full blu-ray rips without buffering :( :( :(

The noise is starting to drive me a little nuts and it's not that loud... i'm just used to quieter.
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