order your noiseblocker hp microserver silencer kit here at clockers for ~ £18
one of these
this (I had a 7v spare)
and one of these
The nosiest fan is by far the 40mm psu fan, this is very easy to replace:
1: remove the screws at the back of the case (3 from memory)
2: cut the cable ties holding the psu cables together with the chassis
3: disconnect the 20/24 pin header
4) disconnect the molex cables
5) slide the psu out of the font
6) remove the cover on the psu (4 screws)
7) remove the 2 screws holding the 40mm to the psu
8) disconnect the 2 pin connecter the fan connects to the psu
9) place the 40mm noise blocker (it is much thinner than the hp fan so you can trail and connect it to a molex)
the 120mm fan:
1) use the allan key to remove the 4 fan screws
2) disconnect the header from the board
3) trail the cable out to the top
4) slide the fan up and out
5) remove the grill from the hp fan to the noise blocker
6) the noise blocker is a 3 pin fan, when connecting it connect to the 1st 3 pins facing the front, you'll need to shave the blip of the fan cable header as below:
as you are using a 3 pin fan, it will constantly stay at the same speed (900rpms iirc, more than enough than the minimum
~ 500 the microserver requires)