Good idea?

ElRazur said:
It is a good theory but will it be good in practice?

Of course. You said corruption is spreading in the UK due to immigrants from those countries where corruption is rife, coming here. It's the obvious solution then isn't it.
Anyway, to answer the OP's original question..... no, it is a truly and spectacularly stupid idea :eek:

(but changing your sig..... that would be a good idea. :D)
divine_madness said:
Saying whats the point in even trying to stamp out corruption, its there, deal with it, then saying the problem the 'west' has is just ignoring things and not trying to sort them out.

The best illustration i can give at the moment here is that of Italy and Mafia - it was a battle, an uphill battle but finally they are starting to make progress right.

Nigeria current government is doing all it can to cut back all fraudulent and corruption activities but it will take sometime. When outsider see it as **Our** problem and not theirs thats why i used the immigrant coming over here and spreading the "gospel of fradulent acts" as an example.
dirtydog said:
(but changing your sig..... that would be a good idea. :D)

Im only gonna say once time - that baby is here to stay, everyone can hallo all they want, bicker and take a is here to stay, if anything it can only get more controversial. :)

I think this is the part where the change-El-signature-drone attacks
I personally have no quarms with his signature - so what if he's being a bit full of himself? It's only his signature and many people seem to disregard his posts because of it.

This is the same guy who shipped out a PSP game to a forumite for free because the said forumite was feeling down; I dunno why everyone's so hostile to him? :confused:

MoNkeE said:
I personally have no quarms with his signature - so what if he's being a bit full of himself? It's only his signature and many people seem to disregard his posts because of it.

This is the same guy who shipped out a PSP game to a forumite for free because the said forumite was feeling down; I dunno why everyone's so hostile to him? :confused:


Man why did you say that, you just destroyed my Street cred, erm sorry i meant "Forum cred"! :p Im supposed to be hated dude not liked. :eek:

Seriously thanks for that, didnt even think anyone will remember that.
dirtydog said:
Of course. You said corruption is spreading in the UK due to immigrants from those countries where corruption is rife, coming here. It's the obvious solution then isn't it.

Nah, part of what i have been saying since - the whole world need to do more to help the particular part of the world. Like Blair said "Africa's problem is a cancer on the world...." Do the maths man cancer spreads!
Not being hostile towards him at all, but (not that we are friends but it's the same principle) if you have a friend who is making a bit of a prat of himself, you tell him to sort himself out don't you. Or in this case, the sig ;) Seriously man, everyone must cringe when they see that. It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you, reading it.
ElRazur said:
Nah, part of what i have been saying since - the whole world need to do more to help the particular part of the world. Like Blair said "Africa's problem is a cancer on the world...." Do the maths man cancer spreads!

Blair is a c.. erm.. idiot who puts every other country before this one.
dirtydog said:
Anyway, to answer the OP's original question..... no, it is a truly and spectacularly stupid idea :eek:

(but changing your sig..... that would be a good idea. :D)

Hmm, maybe we should start a thread and petition against it. See how long the sig lasts then.

Admins & Dons > *
Sirrel Squirrel said:
freedom of speech my dear boy, he can say what ever he wants in his sig provided it keeps to the rules, which his sig does

But it annoys many members and as a result a petition could quite easily see it removed.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
I can't see the problem with it to be honest

Well he's got his head so far up his own bum that the lump in his throat is his nose... basically.

Personally, it's the way he's "fighting the man" over it. I'd love to see the don's remove it.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
freedom of speech my dear boy

I distinctly remember one of the Dons commenting on how there is no such thing as free speech on these boards. (I think it was just before banning a particularly annoying troll who tried to use 'but it's freedom of speech' as some sort of excuse :p)
MoNkeE said:
I personally have no quarms with his signature - so what if he's being a bit full of himself? It's only his signature and many people seem to disregard his posts because of it.

This is the same guy who shipped out a PSP game to a forumite for free because the said forumite was feeling down; I dunno why everyone's so hostile to him? :confused:


I was just going to say something along those lines, one person mentions his sig in that thread and know the whole forums having a dig. :confused: Give the guy a break.
hehe, it's passing the time: lets all jump on the anti-sig bandwagon.

El Razur's character isn't in question here. Apart from the odd spam he usually has quite good posts. I think what annoys me is that I keep finding myself drawn to reading the sig because I know it's there :p
Nix said:
hehe, it's passing the time: lets all jump on the anti-sig bandwagon.

Sadly that's exactly what it is :( It's been there for God knows how long, and no-one's been overly offended/embarrassed about it - then it's mentioned once and people blow it way outta context.

It's just a sig to me. I find it annoying how people act all philosophical by having a 'deep and meaningfull' quote. Yet, I can restrain myself; why can't others?

There are far more annoying sigs for me than crazy El's. For instance I think Meridian's sig is well out of order (assuming the subject I have in mind is correct), yet that's never moaned about:)
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