25 Jan 2013
Hey guys,

Anybody know of any good ones around these days?

I'm not sure on the activity on an old one I enjoyed 'Lineage 2'
not sure if anybody played it but I loved this game and looking for something similar!

please dont suggest WoW im sure other people have lots of fun on it but nah I loved lineage but hated WoW.. :')

dare I say I even logged back into runescape the other day jeez the nostalgia!
Few out atm that are f2p

Guild Wars 2,

Later this year we should get the Blade & Soul EU beta.
Few out atm that are f2p

Guild Wars 2,

Later this year we should get the Blade & Soul EU beta.

what you think to these both are they good active playerbase?

on a private server for lineage 2 again tbh they just always tend to disappear!
ArcheAge (Developed by the creator of Lineage) and TERA, are both widely recommended as being the closest things to Lineage 2, although I'll be honest I haven't played either (or Lineage 2).

Any particular reason?

hmm i may have a look

and I dunno tbh I like the way Lineage 2 works and when i played WoW it just seemed to be a completely different type of play unfortunately! :/
what you think to these both are they good active playerbase?

on a private server for lineage 2 again tbh they just always tend to disappear!

Aion, It really depends on if you like pvp, as at later levels the game forces you to go that way with the questing zones i.e abyss.

Guild Wars 2, has a very good leveling experience as it's no go to quest giver you move to a area on the map and you'll auto get it, don't have to group for mobs as it'll count for you aswell. I stopped playing it back before they added more end game content.

Tera, Once you get used to the combat some of the fights feel rewarding, not sure if this has gone a more p2w style since it went f2p however.

Archeage, Really enjoyed the beta spent over 200 hours on it, then at launch they decided to change things round and add a cash shop in and put items behind stupid rng eggs.
As a huge fan of Lineage 2, and enjoying the grinds. I can tell you now, Archage is NOT like Lineage 2, not one bit in my opinion. The leveling is cack, you rush to max level in a few days then that's pretty much it.

I didn't enjoy it and paid way too much to play it when it became available :(
I would not recommend Archeage to anyone due to the cash shop and terrible RNG item upgrades.

What about EVE? Completely different to most mmos and very immersive if you can get past the control mechanism.
GW2 is an awesome leveling experiance, it suffered from a lack of defined end game for a lot of people though.

The genre is dying though, which could be a good thing as I think it needs to get back to its social rpg roots which will probably only happen once the current formula has crashed and burned (looks like its going through that now)
Try final fantasy 14 perhaps? It's subscription only but you can access a free trial of it via steam. It's a game I'd love to spend some time on but free time is a bit of a luxury these days!

Regarding ff14, they've just released the first major standalone expansion pack for it and from what I can see there are plenty of regular updates and a pretty large userbase considering it is sub only.

Stay away from aion, I played it a lot after it went free to play but it really has been on a downward spiral for the last couple of users and most areas are empty nowadays. A real shame as the world is great and combat has felt the best feeling for me.
Elder Scrolls Online - I'm having a lot of fun when I can actually log in - its gone the way as Secret World *another good mmo; different which I really like* buy the game and nothing to pay after if you want to sub you can.

Old Republic for the stories; also looks like almost rebooting it in Oct if you are subbed. Looks very interesting.

GW2 - play with friends but because no define classes; tends to be cluster **** when fighting mobs.....and fact I like playing a tank LOL

FF14 - I only got a few days to play but liked what I played; yep got to sub but it does feel like solid FF game lol
cheers guys yeah agnes lineage 2 was and still is one of my fav games to play just want a new game to come out that is a replicate of it in its best state, it was so popular back in the day with thousands online!
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The Secret World
Elder Scrolls Online

Both play more of FPS style game where you tend to play in first person more often and have a lot less buttons/combat spells than traditional MMO's and you actually have to aim.
Both excellent storylines which are solo friendly.

ESO is like a watered down Skyrim as far as the quests.
TSW will have you scratching your head for hours in the investigation missions - if you like Ancient Egypt, Transylvania and Halloween ... you will love it.

Both Free to play ... mostly :P

Everquest 2 - Old MMO but is recently introducing "Time Locked" servers which will be as the game was when it was released so a brilliant time to get into it for new or old players alike wanting a nostalgic trip.

This is only availale with the Sony/Daybreak all access membership of 8.99 /mo.

You can play on the standard servers for free.
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