Wait until Wildstar is f2p. It's far better than it got credit for and has come a long way since release.

Elder Scrolls Online is another one.

GW2 is great but lacks at end game, still the most fun i've had in an MMO though.
Sadly, another MMO I couldn't get on with, the combat felt awful and boring to me :(

My brother convinced me to buy GW2 a couple years back. I tried a Mesmer. The combat *was* awful.

The game did not click with me, at all, although in fairness I didn't play more than a few hours.

I think these days if I don't get the vibes I'm looking for within the first few hours, I jump off the wagon. However in fairness to myself I don't think it takes long to get a fairly accurate impression of an MMO. If you've played MMOs for years you know what to expect.
I'm waiting for crowfall all current mmos seem crap

avoid archeage full of hackers, massively tilted towards the money shop.

played it for a few months on release and watched the devs destroy the game.

massive exploit after massive exploit, people were getting infinite money , infinite items etc.

on the mystery box things you could buy for real money you could fill your inventory with full stacks of items but have 1 item stack not a full stack.
the box could only possibly give you that item and refused to open until it would randomly give you that item.

games a joke, oh and to top it all of all the hacks were ones around for years on the russian version of the game, exactly the same hacks......

people were teleporting all over the place etc

the economy was in ruins when I quit

got my dalphinad bow, did some arena and saw how op it was having a top tier weapon, raped peoples faces then gave it away to a random and quit :D
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I'm waiting for crowfall all current mmos seem crap

avoid archeage full of hackers, massively tilted towards the money shop.

played it for a few months on release and watched the devs destroy the game.

massive exploit after massive exploit, people were getting infinite money , infinite items etc.

on the mystery box things you could buy for real money you could fill your inventory with full stacks of items but have 1 item stack not a full stack.
the box could only possibly give you that item and refused to open until it would randomly give you that item.

games a joke, oh and to top it all of all the hacks were ones around for years on the russian version of the game, exactly the same hacks......

people were teleporting all over the place etc

the economy was in ruins when I quit

got my dalphinad bow, did some arena and saw how op it was having a top tier weapon, raped peoples faces then gave it away to a random and quit :D

Oh Archeage, staying up til 8am to steal a huge amount of trees we found..

Still can't believe how much I played it during the first couple of months. So many hours!
Archeage could and should have been awesome! The actual game itself was great but my god did they ruin it.

castle sieges probably caused most people to quit.

mining the mines was a joke, there were enemies running around but you couldn't attack them because of the lag.

then when people were actually doing the thing to claim a castle spot the lag was so massive you couldn't stop them. (half the server couldn't log in anyway)

first castle sieges were a joke because the walls were almost impossible to smash.

game was just beta or alpha the devs had no idea
I started playing Archeage this week and I'm quite enjoying it.

It's just lovely and pleasant. I'm not really much of an MMO guy so I don't know how it stands in comparison to other MMOs but I like it :D
I started playing Archeage this week and I'm quite enjoying it.

It's just lovely and pleasant. I'm not really much of an MMO guy so I don't know how it stands in comparison to other MMOs but I like it :D

The drive to 50 is fun. Reroll a new char when you hit max level, or quit. It isn't worth it beyond that.
Any decent sandbox games? Used to love SWG pre NGE. I'd like to see a similar styled modern MMO that wasn't FTP.

Theres some mini MMO type sandbox games around which are quite fun. Like Ark and Grav. They are still in early stages though.

Old Republic for the stories; also looks like almost rebooting it in Oct if you are subbed. Looks very interesting.

Yea, SWTOR is quite good as an "old school" style MMORPG. The expansion is going to give people the option of starting at level 60 and all the previous flashpoints/ops etc will be scaled up. It look like a semi-reboot where you can continue from where you left off. I think SWTOR's classes, story and dungeons/raids (some of which are quite hard) are much better done than most other MMOs though.
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I'm enjoying Warhammer Online again currently, It's roughly 7yrs since I played it last time when it launched so its a nice nostalgia trip playing it for free on the unofficial private server.

Not that I have the same amount of time to sink in MMOs anymore!
Yea, SWTOR is quite good as an "old school" style MMORPG. The expansion is going to give people the option of starting at level 60 and all the previous flashpoints/ops etc will be scaled up. It look like a semi-reboot where you can continue from where you left off. I think SWTOR's classes, story and dungeons/raids (some of which are quite hard) are much better done than most other MMOs though.

When they do the refresh of the older 4m 8m and 16m content bringing it up to the level cap instead of being dead content it will be pretty good for new players coming in.

Old players on the other hand do not like the fact that they are going to spend a ton of time resurrecting old content they did way back often hundreds of times instead of making new group content.
Any good MMOs for PvP right now? Crowfall looks interesting but that's quite a ways off and apparently WoW isn't worth it anymore
Holy crap! How complete is it? What's the population like?

By private server standards its very good! The capitals are in, all Tier1 zones and quests, T2 chaos/empire, scenarios, open-rvr lakes function etc. The player base is currently capped at lvl20.

There's normally around ~300 concurrent players during peak time.

The things missing I've noticed so far:
- Potions, Talismans and Alternative appearance don't work
- Public Quests don't work
- Tier2 cannot be zone locked yet
- Renown abilities don't work (masteries do)

Its worth a go if like me enjoyed the original. I'm re-living my BlackOrc nostalgia :)
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