I'm waiting for crowfall all current mmos seem crap
avoid archeage full of hackers, massively tilted towards the money shop.
played it for a few months on release and watched the devs destroy the game.
massive exploit after massive exploit, people were getting infinite money , infinite items etc.
on the mystery box things you could buy for real money you could fill your inventory with full stacks of items but have 1 item stack not a full stack.
the box could only possibly give you that item and refused to open until it would randomly give you that item.
games a joke, oh and to top it all of all the hacks were ones around for years on the russian version of the game, exactly the same hacks......
people were teleporting all over the place etc
the economy was in ruins when I quit
got my dalphinad bow, did some arena and saw how op it was having a top tier weapon, raped peoples faces then gave it away to a random and quit