Good moments in films for testing audio equipment

I'm going to go old school here - Apocalypse Now - when the Helicopters attack while playing Wagner. This has been a demo piece of film since Dolby digital made its debut on Laserdisc 20 odd years ago. The Transfer over to Blu-ray & DTS-HD is very good too.

only came in here to recommend this
One memorable sound effect is the seismic charge from Star Wars AotC:

Like a sound vacuum, then boom!

Always use this scene to test any tweaks/new kit.

Recently opening scenes from Mad Max and Guardians of the Galaxy, Mad Max until he is recaptured and Guardians until he escapes the planet. Both demonstrate range and atmostphere as well as bass but then Ep 2 for that one good scene. Also read the grenade going off in World War Z for the bass is supposed to be very good.
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