Good news for Scotland (and the rest of us)..

Nicola Sturgeon was a hard pill to swallow sometimes but she almost always was for what was good for Scotland. I'm not her biggest fan but she is better than the alternatives available so this is quite a loss tbh. And the whole independence dropping off a cliff is hilarious its never been stronger but then the union lovers would say that.

..just not enough support to risk making the next election a 'de facto' referendum eh?
Nicola has consistently been the most voted for leader in the UK with the highest approval rating for years, and has won multiple elections, both Scottish and General elections. To say many will be rejoicing is demonstrably false.

Dont worry I'm sure the replacement will be just as 'good'.
Discussing independence now is pointless - if hatred of Boris, hysteria over brexit and sturgeon (wrongly) convincing Scot’s that she handled Covid better than westminster aren’t enough to consistently poll in favour of leaving its hard to imagine what would be enough.
This thread sums up how divisive she was. I hope their next leader is someone that can bring everyone together within Scotland and out and avoid division again within Scotland and out.

Not sure Ruth Davidson wants to come back - there isn't really anyone else.
She creates division by not being a tory sycophant to whoever is PM in Westminster. She creates division by being far more competent, well regarded and popular than any recent Tory PM as well.

You're incredibly forgiving lol..

Some choice extracts from behind the paywall..

The First Minister declared with a perfectly straight-face, her pride at being the first female to hold that office – despite her recent struggles with defining what a woman is. “I’m a feminist”, insisted she who was content to house a double rapist in a women’s prison.

She was “convinced” the cause for independence was being won: in much the same way that an ostrich is convinced the sand in which it has plonked its head is an effective form of camouflage. Ms Sturgeon is a walking pantsuit of paradox; sketch writers will miss her. Perhaps she’ll use her departure to reestablish closer terms with reality; currently, she’s barely on nodding acquaintance.

Soon we moved from ostrich neck to brass neck. Ms Sturgeon called for a less polarised, less toxic politics; it was the voters who were wrong of course. A homily on the perils of political polarisation from the SNP is a bit like getting a lecture on marital fidelity from Boris Johnson.

Rambling, self-congratulatory, with any bumps along the way being the obvious fault of other people; this was the Apologia Pro Nicola Sua.

Scotland is “fairer” today, she insisted, picking a nice, impossible-to-measure metric to end on. What does it even mean? She might as well have said “Scotland is rainblowier today”, “Scotland is Papier-mâché-er today”, or “Scotland is Jabberwockier today”. Perhaps this was why, despite addressing reporters from the capital of the Scottish Enlightenment, she didn’t go down the road of empirical evidence: she leaves Scotland poorer, less healthy, more addicted than ever.
A Torygraph article? Really?

The Daily Telegraph is politically conservative and has endorsed the Conservative Party at every UK general election since 1945. The personal links between the paper's editors and the leadership of the Conservative Party, along with the paper's generally right-wing stance and influence over Conservative activists, have led the paper commonly to be referred to, especially in Private Eye, as the Torygraph. Even when Conservative support was shown to have slumped in the opinion polls and Labour gained the ascendant, the newspaper remained loyal to the Conservatives. This loyalty continued after Labour ousted the Conservatives from power by an election result in 1997, and in the face of Labour election wins in 2001and the third successive Labour election win in 2005.

they’re hardly going to write an unbiased or even fair article in support of the leader of the party that has all bust made the Tory party in Scotland has beens.
So you are saying she left Scotland richer, healthier and less addicted?

Its only really some Scottish media that actually liked her so most media will be negative so not surprising you would class this as biased.
So I had assumed the reference to ‘wine’ earlier was an auto correct error for woke lol but clearly not.

Not googling what it means as one Google for ‘Andrew Tate’ has forever corrupted my YouTube algorithm…
There are rumours (and there have always been rumours) that her personal life is in a bit of a turmoil and that she’s getting out before the press publish all the details.

Yep wouldn't be surprised if there is a load of sleaze on the way..
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