Good news for Scotland (and the rest of us)..

Its interesting that some base their views seemingly on her performance at a few press conferences but completely ignore the hatred and division she presided over and the poor outcomes for Scotland as a whole over the last decade.

There's even a couple of fanboys in this thread which is just bizarre.
I base my views on my personal experience; spoiler: I actually live in Scotland and don't need to rely on the Telegraph to form an opinion on my behalf.

well maybe if you got your news from multiple sources you wouldn't fall for Scottish nationalists propaganda and might start to question the SNP and Sturgeons extremely poor performance over the last 10 years
Again, I don't need news outlets from any source or propaganda of any kind - I have personal experience to rely on because I'm one of their constituents. I get what I vote for and I'm content with the outcome no matter what the Telegraph would like me to think.

So basically as long as you are ok screw all the alcoholics and drug addicts and the lives they ruin?
Given your vocal contributions in here, I think it justified for us to know your political allegiances i.e. party and policies voted for (Brexit vote)?

I'm sure you.can detail them here and I'm also sure there are a list of outcomes in Scotland that are better than England.

Let's hear these benefits...

Stand by your opinions.... Let's hear the above questions answered

Lol on question 1

question 2:


Drugs-related deaths have more than doubled during Ms Sturgeon’s time in office, with the numbers hitting record highs for seven years in a row.

During that time the country has become a world narcotics hotspot, with addiction claiming the most victims there per head of the population.

In 2014, the year she took over, 614 people died from overdoses. In 2020, the number hit an all-time high of 1,339, falling slightly to 1,330 a year later.


Scotland’s health service is in an even worse state than the NHS elsewhere in the UK, with criticism of the SNP’s management of it growing louder.

The NHS there has only hit its accident and emergency target of hospitals seeing 95 per cent of patients within four hours for 19 out of her 99 months in office.

Performance has fallen off a cliff since the summer of 2020 and hit a new low in December, with just 62 per cent of people admitted being examined on time.


Scotland’s leader has become known for being an interventionist, with critics accusing her of a nanny state style which has failed to deliver results.

In 2018, after a long legal battle with the drinks industry, she introduced minimum unit pricing for alcohol in a bid to tackle booze-related deaths.

Three years later a report found that heavy drinkers were cutting back on their food and heating costs, instead of reducing their consumption.

Scottish officials defended the policy by pointing to overall figures which showed a three per cent net reduction in sales in the three years after it was introduced.

But in a tacit admission that it has not been a total success, Ms Sturgeon has unveiled plans to go further by curbing the advertising of alcohol.

Critics have warned the move risks doing huge damage to the country’s economy whilst “doing little to tackle consumption by problem drinkers”


The life expectancy of Scottish people has plummeted during Ms Sturgeon’s time in power, recording its sharpest fall in 40 years.

Men born today in the country are predicted to live to the age of 77, which is two years less than in England and the lowest figure for anywhere in the UK.

Women have a life expectancy of 81, but both numbers have fallen since peaking shortly after the First Minister took up her post.


Question 3 - not being affected by the above for starters lol
How embarrassing for you... You answer the 1 question that you feel will be advantageous to your arguments but skirt around or downright avoid the others.

lol the answer to question 1 is well known on here hence my banning from SC - hint I'm no leftie

my answer to question 3 demonstrates some pretty good things for us in England but not so much for you in Scotland lol

Drug poisonings in England and Wales​

The rate of drug poisonings continues to increase​

4,561 deaths related to drug poisoning were registered in England and Wales in 2020; the highest number since records began in 1993, and 3.8% higher than in 2019 (4,393 registered deaths).

Rates of drug-related poisoning were 60.9% higher in 2020 (79.5 deaths per million) than they were in 2010 (49.4 per million). The rate has increased every year since 2012; the increase from 2019 was not statistically significant.

Who have you voted for since 2012?

Unless you can demonstrate that the level in Scotland is lower (unlikely given the well known drug problem) then your post is pointless.
You made the first claims RE: Drugs. Unless you can demonstrate that the level in Scotland is higher (who knows, without looking at the numbers) then your post is also useless.

Haha my quote clearly says 'During that time the country has become a world narcotics hotspot, with addiction claiming the most victims there per head of the population' what more do you want??
Actual statistical evidence?

Such as @VincentHanna posted to provide an example of how drug problems have also been increasing significantly within England and Wales.

You're initial post made claim to the notion that you were "glad you lived in England" so you didn't have "be affected by the above".

The data provided by @VincentHanna shows that you are very much still affected by the drug problem, even if you don't realize it or refuse to see it.

Can you provide the equal statistical evidence you must have read - in this case, drug poisonings within Scotland for comparison , or are you just going off headlines and gut feelings?

Dont really see the parallel between drug poisonings and levels of drug addiction either.

People being poisoned by drugs is a problem for them but large numbers of drug addicts is a problem for everyone.
The thread is starting to read like a religious zealot denying the "existence" of evolution - clinging to a gap in the fossil record as evidence to the contrary.

No-one has claimed that Sturgeon or the SNP are perfect. As I said previously in the thread, those of us old enough to recall a time before the SNP dominance in Scottish politics don't need a university thesis to decide whether or not they have been a positive for Scotland - it's beyond doubt.

Do you really lack the self awareness to realise that it is YOU that is acting like a zealot?

Youre saying that Sturgeon is great based on no evidence almost like its a question of faith for you..
Living under their stewardship for over a decade is no basis for evidence, according to the chap who hasn't experienced a single policy they've implemented.


Yes your anecdotal thoughts are irrelevant in a country of over 5m people.

In fact aren't you the one that chooses to spend months on end living on an oil rig rather than mainland Scotland?
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I'm not aware TBH.

Unlike the crime levels per capita? It's 40% lower in Scotland than E&W. this time period the,just 52.4 by 2021/22.

Or child poverty rates which are higher in England than Scotland.

Can you see? Not every country is perfect and will outperform other countries in some areas whilst underperforming in others but you appear to be of the opinion that everything is worse in Scotland than in England which is patently untrue.


Says to me that tax payer money should be directed away from Scotland to England if anything.

Scotland has a tiny population but more English tax payers money per person so the poor outcomes under Sturgeon are inexcusable.

To be clear I never said everything was worse in Scotland I said 'Its interesting that some base their views seemingly on her performance at a few press conferences but completely ignore the hatred and division she presided over and the poor outcomes for Scotland as a whole over the last decade.'
Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant when gauging the impact a political party has had on the electorate - what nonsense is this? Seriously, what level of idiot would reject their eyes and ears in favour of an article written by an agenda driven journalist?

And the comment about my place of work - what on earth is that point you're trying to make? What straw are you clutching at there? You really are miles out of your depth with this conversation.

Yes, I work offshore. The same industry I worked in back in 2014 when friends where telling me about a secret oil field that the big bad English where hiding from us, a field so abundant in resources that it could fund independence for decades. Funnily enough I didn't need to read any articles about this oil field, because it was so secret that I'd been working on it's brownfield enabling projects for the previous 4 years - a reservoir so abundant that it's struggling to achieve even half of it's planned production almost 10 years on.

It's called anecdotal evidence for a reason. It has it's place, particularly when you're assessing the impact that party policy has had on the electorate - when you are the electorate! Oh, I wonder if it's raining outside. Will I check AccuWeather? BBC weather? Sean Batty? Maybe I could open the curtains and look. :p

Lol what sort of 'idiot' would take anecdotal evidence over factual evidence ultimately based on undisputed govt stats?

You are the one clutching at straws as your support for Sturgeon seems to be based on 'feels' not facts.

RE your place of work I'm just suggesting that maybe someone who chooses to spend a long time away from Scotland may have the blinkers on lol..
OMG where did that come from lol - must frequent some sort of Krankie fan site?

I bet they have posters on their wall lol

That’s probably the most cringe thing I’ve seen on here :D
Seriously who cares? It's so desperate. There are regions of England with far more people that have lower unemployment. Besides the the UK has very low levels of unemployment anyway.

Scots Nats seem to wish to compare their country to the UK, England or regions when they feel like it proves their current point and are blissfully unaware of how cringe their arguments are.

The fact is that Scotland takes far more money from the UK's block grant per person than they contribute and it's the English taxpayer that pays for it whilst being blamed for every Scottish misfortune.

And I do mean the English taxpayer as Wales and NI cost far more per head also.
Exactly - the south west has higher employment rate than Scotland with equivalent population.

The pro Sturgeon stuff in this thread has been really really desperate.
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