Good news or bad news? Unexpected letter sent Special Delivery

22 May 2003
So I had a 'Something for you' card shoved through my letter box yesterday for a letter that has been sent by Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed. I'm not expecting to receive anything important; what are the bets that this is something good? Or bad!?

I hope it is not like the thread below. I've not had anything like that happen...
Could you imagine how many views!!!

In all seriousness, I'm kind of worried without having a good reason to be.
The card I received has my surname on it. No companies other than the essential money, insurance and utility companies have my address as far as I am aware, as I moved into my flat at the beginning of the year.

There is no tracking information upon the card. I'll find the time to pop down to the collection office and see what it is. Hopefully it is not an summons to court!
Special Delivery Guaranteed trolling would be a new and expensive method with a letter (what the card indicates is waiting for me) sent via that method being £6.45 a pop!
Are any of your debit or credit cards close to expiry and due a replacement?
Actually that could be a good shout. I received one credit card through the regular postal service yesterday, but I do have another that expires next month.
It must have the tracking number on it? If it's not written out on the form itself, then try the code in the barcode stuck on the form. If it's got neither of those, then that is very odd.
Nope, no tracking number or barcode.
Opened it yet?
I appreciate everyone is on tenterhooks in this riveting thread, but I've not collected it yet. I'll only be able to do so after work...
I didn't make it out of the office on time and have just gotten home. I'm on holiday for the next week and a bit. Might it be my last!?

No pulling the curtain back on the mystery yet I am afraid!

I'll see if I can pop into town before heading up to Liverpool tomorrow.
OK I have recovered the letter and gotten back home. There's nothing untoward on the front of the letter, just my address, the postage paid stamp and the Special Delivery sticker.

On the back there is a return address for a solicitor...

It's the solicitor I used for the purchase of my flat late last year. What do they want?

:):):) IT'S GOOD NEWS!!! :):):)

We are currently undertaking an exercise to identify client account balances on apparently completed matters. We have a residual balance of £84.01 on your account.

As a result I enclose a cheque in the amount of the balance

Awww yeah, drinks are on me boys! Good things do happen to bad people.

Result! :D
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