Good news or bad news? Unexpected letter sent Special Delivery

OK I have recovered the letter and gotten back home. There's nothing untoward on the front of the letter, just my address, the postage paid stamp and the Special Delivery sticker.

On the back there is a return address for a solicitor...

It's the solicitor I used for the purchase of my flat late last year. What do they want?

:):):) IT'S GOOD NEWS!!! :):):)

We are currently undertaking an exercise to identify client account balances on apparently completed matters. We have a residual balance of £84.01 on your account.

As a result I enclose a cheque in the amount of the balance

Awww yeah, drinks are on me boys! Good things do happen to bad people.

Result! :D
Had a letter sent recorded before that was marked as 'too big to fit through letterbox, sig required' puzzled yet a little bit excited hoping I'd been sent something exciting, I went to the sorting office, it was a damn advert from Vermin Media.:mad:
At least we have an ending! Unlike that plonker who posted a thread (and let it continue for months) about a carrier bag that kept appearing at different times across from his house, but never bothered to check what was inside. God that was annoying. :p
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