Good single player shooter since Crysis ?

If you like a good story and feeling like crap after playing a game, I wholeheartedly recommend Spec Ops: The Line. It looks "good enough" on PC but is a last gen game.

That single player game could have been Project I.G.I (1 or 2). Fairly good game that I played recently but it now feels very "early 2000s".

That rings a big bell lol
Yeah and there were crabs on the sand, shoals of fish, beautiful waves in the sea, waterfalls, trees you could shoot down lol. Beautiful scenery with settings maxed out. Yes enjoyed the first FarCry too.

Until you met those nasty things. Wasn't expecting that and remember bricking myself in some places, worried about what was going to jump out from the undergrowth. The first Far Cry was one of the classic games of all time.
Played a single player sniper game around 10-15 years ago that was perfect. Sneaking up on different bases alone through countryside. Taking out the enemy one by one without alerting the others. The graphics were ok for the time but gameplay perfect. No idea what that was called.

Vietcong, 2003? This was a fantastic game for it's time

Squad is an incredible game, but multiplayer only.

Maybe someone might come up with a single player / mission mode

Another not a shooter but amazing scenery and it does have guns, The Hunter games on PC have amazing settings, you stalk your prey and kill them :)
Stalker Call of Pripyat with the autumn aurora mod set to summer. Looks amazing imo and is a very good game. I personally play it with the Misery mod, which improves the game a lot, but might be a bit hardcore for a beginner to the series.
Lol doom.
Rage naa dusty miserable scenery and nasties that jump out at you.
Wolfenstein Youngblood not bad and more outdoor scenes but naa.
Just cause, graphics look naff.
Mad max naa.
Far cry 5, and New Dawn ... that's more like it (from a YouTube video anyway). Still a bit of trading and co-op going on but will try it.

Played a single player sniper game around 10-15 years ago that was perfect. Sneaking up on different bases alone through countryside. Taking out the enemy one by one without alerting the others. The graphics were ok for the time but gameplay perfect. No idea what that was called.

Sniper Elite 3/4 (3 just got enhanced visuals) and the new Sniper one is out soon.

Seriously you need Just Cause in your life. Start with Just Cause 2 (ok visuals not great but its a bag of carnage of fun) and then go Just Cause 3. Get the unlimited length & strength grapple hook mods to speed up moving around (eg 2km journeys via the hook!). One of my best games ever. Forget Just Cause 4 its a big steaming pile of dog pump they ruined the series.
Hard Reset is a little older now, but it's a solid FPS if you don't mind sci-fi elements. I'm pretty sure it saw a remaster of sorts a couple of years ago.
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