Good single-players games you can dive into for quick sessions?

30 May 2009
Hey guys,

I'm looking for some good games which are easy to dive in and out of for quick gaming sessions, say between 15-60 mins. I regularly find myself with some time to play a game, but not enough time to have a good session on a bigger title like Assassin's Creed.

I'm looking for some games (other than Hearthstone) which are single-player, fun and easy to get into, and easy to dive in and out of.

What can you recommend?
Mass Effect for diving in and out of? Really? Isn't it fairly story driven? I feel games like that need decent sessions to get anything out of it.

It's also packed with 'short mission follwed by unexpected 20 minute conversation that you don't want to skip since it's half the plot and contains critical decisions'.

I can think of few games less suited to dip-in-dip-out gameplay than the mass effects.

Shadow of Mordor is pretty good - once you get it going (so the initial handful of story missions) it has loads of side missions to play with one at a time and most of the main story missions are quite well contained so are ok for short bursts.

Possibly consider Guild Wars 2 as well? Technically an MMO but can be played as a story-led single player game as long as you have online access and from memory most stuff other than end-game dungeons can be done in small bursts.
I'd probably leave Guild Wars. I already play WoW to raid so I want something more along the lines of FTL etc.

Some good things here I will check out. Keep them coming.
Call of Jarez : Gunslinger - western themed FPS with a great sence of humour & great feel to the weapons
Door kickers : top down RTS/squad management crossed with rainbow six style missions
Both quite cheap both provided me with plenty of hours gaming both dipped in & out of as time allows
Planetary Annihiliation is my quick fix and also main game at the moment. Often battles can take about 10 minutes or less on small planet systems
As I generally hate modern multiplayer games, I almost exclusively play single player these so here are a few I've been playing recently in no particular order.

1: Shadow Warrior (2013): Superb single player hack n slash FPS thats a damn good laugh with and doesn't take itself seriously at all.

2: The Vanishing of Ethan Carter: An FPS puzzle game that doesn't hold your hand and has some truly amazing moments in it. Just happens to include the best graphics I've ever seen in game as well.

3: Brothers a Tale of Two Sons: Very unique puzzle / platformer designed for joypad use with a good little story and ace control system.

4: Wolfenstein The New Blood: Best single player FPS I've played in years, period.

5: Dust An Elysian Tail: Visually stunning side scrolling platformer / beat em up with some but very limited RPG elements. Loads of rewards for combo's and exploration and the soundtrack is awesome

6: The Cave: Puzzle based side scrolling platformer with a unique multiple character based system thats hard to explain until you play.

7: Homefront: Originally overhyped but if you pay no more than beer change for it you'll get a solid shooter with a decent story line worth around 6 hours.
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