Good single-players games you can dive into for quick sessions?

There are some mechanics that you have to learn (e.g. don't leave a system until absolutely necessary, try and take the longest path to the sector exit, and the cloak is VERY useful)
does anyone still play Diablo 3?

I've got the game but not the expansion for it and did wonder if it had improved in the year or so I haven't played it.

the Lego games are quite good, I have most of them (except the harry potter ones) for my son to play and they are great if you want to jump on and do one level or do some free roaming.

Yes it's much more improved now, especially with the Reaper of Souls addon, so much more content, I recommend getting it.

Thanks for whoever pointed Hotline Miami, that game looks crazy!
Started playing FTL. Wow, it's BRUTAL.

It sure is. I've put about 25 hours in, almost all on 'normal' difficulty with the default ship, and my best result is meeting the final boss fight a couple of times.

In my only go on 'easy', I did finish it, though :)

Super game
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