Good single-players games you can dive into for quick sessions?

Shadow of Mordor - none of the main quests take too long to do, and you can easily do several sidequests, collectibles / or just random killing in that time.

Another vote for FTL as well - although the "just one more go" factor is high and might see you playing for more than an hour :)
Door Kickers - a smart SWAT simulation that lets you control members of a police swat team in raids, hostage rescue, and defusing missions.

Also, another vote for FTL, Brothers a Tale of Two Sons, and the Mass Effect series

Door Kickers looks amazing! I might have to give that one a go!

Funnily enough, I actually own Dust: An Elysian Tail and Brothers A Tale of Two Sons, so I'll need to check those out.
Door Kickers looks amazing! I might have to give that one a go!

Funnily enough, I actually own Dust: An Elysian Tail and Brothers A Tale of Two Sons, so I'll need to check those out.

I didn't enjoy Dust. It was quite a shame, because I'd really looked forward to playing it - it looks great, and I like platformers and brawlers generally. I just found it really boring; stopped playing after a couple of hours.

Brothers is supposed to be incredible. Not played it though.
Door Kickers looks amazing! I might have to give that one a go!

Funnily enough, I actually own Dust: An Elysian Tail and Brothers A Tale of Two Sons, so I'll need to check those out.

Door Kickers is absolutely amazing. I'm a huge SWAT 4 fan and there aren't enough tactical games out there, especially with the modern games.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a superb indie game in terms of atmosphere and story, you won't regret playing it!
does anyone still play Diablo 3?

I've got the game but not the expansion for it and did wonder if it had improved in the year or so I haven't played it.

the Lego games are quite good, I have most of them (except the harry potter ones) for my son to play and they are great if you want to jump on and do one level or do some free roaming.
Quake 1 / 2 / 4 with a high resolution texture pack.

Legend of Grimrock games.

Hard Reset.

Doom & Doom 3 + mods.

Unreal 1 & mods.

Serious Sam 1, 2 & 3.
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I usually boot up a game in an emulator for a quick session. All the good ones are pretty much insta load and quick save/load capable as well. Then you can just pause and quit out at any point you want.

Currently dabbling with Roadrash 2, Street of Rage 2 and Castlevania SOTN.
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