Good things come in 3s

20 Nov 2009
Bangor NI
New log, new goal and new weight class:

Squat: 300
Dead: 300
Bench: 3 reds (170)
Weight at start: 96kg

Current Gym:
Squat: 255
Dead: 260
Bench: 140
Total: 655

Current Comp:
Squat: 245
Bench: 140
Dead: 265
Total: 650
BW: 96.6

More details to follow.
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I'll need all the luck I can get, messing around in the early planning stages of the first cycle at the minute.

Got a 3 lift comp to try prepare for but battling some stubborn man-flu.

Comp is on the 27th then I'm taking it easy for a week before starting a phase of gains on 6/10/14 :)
When was this squat PB?! Huge stuff, well done mate.

Pls stop there, probably going to be 6 months before I can push my PB :'(
A few weeks ago :)

You've got 6 months of deadlift gains then :D your rehab plan is definitely the smart choice.

Still working out the planning (well I'd like to sit down and get it all sorted but life/work gets in the way)

I'm switching to sumo for the foreseeable future, I'm now benching max width as it's the only way that doesn't hurt my biceps and I'll possibly look to change change my squat to be a bit wider (unless my hips don't like it) as I squat quite narrow.

The first two have begun (stupidly before this comp) and the squats well I'll see what happens after the comp.
Sigh.....been training sumo for 2 weeks now and I thought I try go a bit heavier but I forgot every single cue I had ever learned.

Despite deadlifts crumbling bench has been pretty good as of late. I smell a comp PB and maybe an overall PB :D

Opening lifts are looking like:
S: 225
B: 120
D: 250

That's my best triples to comp standard minus 5kg.
Squat positioning was a little off last night so after the squats I did some very very long paused squats ~10-20 seconds pauses. My glutes today are ruined.

Bench yesterday was awesome :) been using the same tactic of massively long pauses to strengthen the bottom position. I highly recommend extended pauses to anyone looking to improve their competition lifts.

Tomorrow is the last of the heavy deadlifts pre comp, just doubles (though I might go for a sneaky 3 rep PB if it feels good)

Paused bench and squat tomorrow morning and sumo deads in the evening :D
Mixed bag this morning, man flu is kicking my ass but bench can't be stopped.

Hit a paused bench PB of 127.5x3 at an RPE of 8.5 :) extremely happy with this though the bicep tendons aren't thrilled.

Pause squats I used my oly shoes for and they were awesome, they've corrected my positioning issues but I'm not sure how that hold out at heavier weights. I'll get a chance to test them out on Thursday and whilst I'm not thrilled at the thought of changing the technique 8 days from the comp it's still handy to have them as a backup incase my positioning is giving issues at the comp.

Sumo deads tonight :)
Man flu took it's toll and I've been forced into salvage mode.....weight up from eating everything in sight. Missed Friday and Saturdays sessions :/

Anyways went in tonight for damage assessment and to hit some comp lifts

Squats; hit my opener and second lift without issue.
Bench; same as squats, very happy here :)
Deads; hit my opener without issue, didn't do second lift as it's a little too close to comp for my likings.

Happy enough, going to do warmups/openers on Tuesday just to keep things moving.
It's gonna be a lot of sleep and lemsip between now and Saturday, getting hit hard with this stupid flu.

On a more interesting front I'm excited to be laying the foundations for the upcoming training cycle. It's unlikely I'll be competing again until next year so there's lot of time for some more hypertrophy and training variation. Really excited about training variation :D
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