Next phase of my program starts tomorrow starts tomorrow! I'll be playing the DL by ear as I'm trying to nurse the hips back to good health.
- Paused Bench - 5-10x3 @90% + 2.5/week
- Alt DL - 5x3 @70% +5/week
- Hang Power Clean - 5x3 @70% +2.5kg/week
- Lower Body Assistance -GHR, Hip Thruster, Leg Ext, GG/BG, Ab wheel
- Squat - 3-5x5 @70% +5kg/week
- OHP - 4x6 @75kg +2.5/week
- Bench Assistance - Floor press, DB Press, Dips, Raises
- Deadlift - 1-10x1 @95% +5kg/week
- TNG Bench - 5x5 @80%+7.5 +2.5kg/week
- Upper Back Assistance - Pullup ladders, BOR, DB row, pull aparts, cable row, High pull, curls, Ab wheel.
- Front Squat - 5x3 @90% +2.5/week
- Sling Bench - 3-5x2 @95%+10 +2.5/week
- Bench Assistance - Pin press, inc/dec press, DB spress, floor press.
What is your Front squat 1RM?