Google employees given Google Nexus



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast

TechCrunch was certain that rumors of a pending honest-to-goodness Google Phone were the real deal, and now according to the site, Google employees are already tweeting with the devices in hand. If you believe what you see on Twitter, Google drones were given the HTC-designed handsets at an all-hands staff event, and the phone is quite a looker. One tweet reads "ZOMG we had fireworks and we all got the new Google phone. It's beautiful." while another says the phone is "Like an iPhone on beautifying steroids." One other, non-Google user on Twitter who's seen the device says that the device is a bit thinner than the iPhone, has a trackball (a la Hero), and has no physical keyboard... which sounds like the Bravo / Passion we've seen a lot of lately (and we hear is coming to the US soon). Apparently the device is running Android 2.1, is unlocked and AT&T-ready (no word on 3G status, but this could line up with our speculation about this being the carrier's first Android phone), and will be due sometime in January. We're guessing if that list bit is true, it will coincide with a CES announcement, but anything could happen at this point. If the device is out in the wild in such a big way, an end of the year press release wouldn't shock us either. Check out one of the tweet-tears after the break, and stay tuned for more info!

Tweet grab:


Comment of note:

We just got some yesterday and I gotta say, this kills my iPhone. :)
We'll be the judge of that. I'm not saying it isn't an iPhone beater but someone who's employed by Google saying this potential Google Android phone is an iPhone beater is like someone at tesco saying their own label Corn Flakes are better than Kellogg's .

Let's wait and see.
We'll be the judge of that. I'm not saying it isn't an iPhone beater but someone who's employed by Google saying this potential Google Android phone is an iPhone beater is like someone at tesco saying their own label Corn Flakes are better than Kellogg's .

Let's wait and see.

Couldnt have said it love to see Android knock Apple off its perch...that can only be a good thing as it will cause Apple to perhaps look at their iphone and improve it from what it is...not saying its no good because simply put its the best out there for what it does...which isnt a lot amd thats the thing thats put me off getting multi tasking would be nice and a better battery for gods sake...i mean how hard can it be to put a longer lasting battery in the iphone...other phone manufacturers do it.

Looking forward to seeing what happens.
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Looks a good powerful phone, all we need is further improvements to Android and apps that push the phone to its limits. Android's future is looking quite rosey, but still is aims towards geeks where as Iphone is aimed at the style end of the market.
yich. it looks gross, all rounded and curvey. i like my phones to be straight and angular with very small rounded corners. like the Milestone/Droid or the Nokia 6300.
My personal opinion is that Android phones are going to crack the business market (not this one perhaps). Most offices are getting fed up with WM 6/6.5 and Android is offering a very real alternative.

HTC's handset choice alone next year will offer a wide rang of models for people who like on screen keyboards and for those who don't.
What are apple going to do once they start losing market share? Unlike the ipod, I don't think the iphone will be as dominant. The market is getting crowded very quickly and everyone else is catching up if not already ahead.
Would be nice if they took up the challenge. A little competition between the iPhone and Android would be beneficial.
This "Google phone" is nothing more than what HTC would have likely produced anyway... the HTC Bravo outshines this in the hardware department with uts 720p video recording, as well as looking 10x nicer.

I would also rather have the Milestone, upgraded to Android 2.1 (as it inevitably will be). Now if only they release a HTC Bravo with a keyboard...
I think Google need to put some serious work into Android before releasing their own Android hardware. Overall I enjoy Android but only because of Sense UI. If I was Google I would sort out the following ASAP:

1) Create an Android Phone Manager for PC/Mac.
I can't believe Android doesn't have this! It doesn't need to be complicated; a simple and lightweight application that will sync all my media (Pictures, videos, music) as well as let me browse, download, buy and backup apps when I plug my phone in. If they wanted to take it further they could resize pictures to a phone friendly resolution and convert videos and music files to Android friendly formats. The Android Phone Manager could also notify users when upgraded firmware is available.

2) Improve Androids UI
It doesn't have the 'Wow' factor, Sense UI and Rachel have the right idea. I wouldn't mind having a colour mixer so I can change the default black, white & grey colour scheme. Animated wallpapers would be nice as well :).

3) Make Android more multimedia friendly.
For a smartphone Android doesn't seem very multimedia friendly, especially with videos. To launch a video atm I have to go to menu>albums>videos>click on video. It would be so much easier just having an icon in the menu. Add support for MKV container & WMV and we're talking. I also think we should have separate libraries for pictures and videos.

4) Allow applications to install to memory card without rooting.
All Android phones have <1Gb internal memory and paltry memory cards bundled with them. Application development is limited with this lack of space and I can't understand why 2.0 hasn't fixed this. I would like an Android phone with 8/16/32Gb internal memory and upgrade potential via a MicroSD slot. Even the N95 has 8Gb internal storage.

5) Improve Android Market.
The overall quality of the Android Marketplace compared to the iPhone's is bad. I know Google can't do much about this but it's another of my niggles. Having an Android Phone Manager with PC access to the Android Market would help but we need iPhone quality games in terms of graphics etc.
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Yeap, i agree meatball.

I have came from an iPhone and the iphone got slated for no copy and paste and mms etc, but what they eventually came out with, far outshines what Android has. They need to spend some time unifying it, it someone ways the UI is still a bit 'beta' esque. I am sure sometimes the selection things are on the right, and sometimes they are on the left.
A unified media player that can handle podcasts is essential imo. Rather than the music player, google listen and the albums as you said.
Android market needs to sort out a lot. Needs better top free, top paid, recent additions etc.
They have made a few things combined, but just need to focus a bit more on this IMO. Less apps and cleaner apps are the way forward, not multiple apps.
And don't deprive me of a qwerty keyboard for calling from contacts, forcing me to use a number pad, at least give me the choice.
I hope some of the niggles are fixed in 2.0 or 2.1, so i am waiting on that to see what happens.
Oh and swipe to delete, pleaseeeeeeeeeee.
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